Thursday 3 December 2015

No matter how often I sing in front of people, I still get nervous in the hours before performing!  
About a month ago, the announcement was made that the Parliament Community Church "Ladies Christmas Tea" was coming up in early December.  I immediately booked 3 tickets, hoping my step-mom, Dinah, my sister, Paula and possibly my Mom, Charlotte could accompany.  The evening is always classy, with lovely festive decorations, tasty treats and an atmosphere of peace for the holiday season.  I was looking forward to a relaxing evening with family and friends.
A phone message from the chair of the Christmas Tea committee changed all that!
I was very honoured to be asked to sing two numbers.  Right away, I began thinking of which songs I would like to sing.  I love Christmas music and have a repertoire of traditional carols and some that I have written.  So, I didn't hesitate in saying "Yes", much to the relief of the woman organizing this year's program!
Tonight is the first evening's sitting.  This event has become so popular that they hold two nights and usually sell out of tickets!  As I practiced one of my own songs (entitled "We're Singin' Joy to the World") and was still debating the second number, I prayed.  I don't ever want to haphazardly and casually approach music ministry as if it is just another "performance"!  The physical practice, the vocal warm-ups and the chord and key changes are only a small part of preparation.  I asked the Lord to use me, to guide in the song selections, to bless the words and my voice to truly touch people's hearts.
As I strummed and sang, the second song choice became clear.  I learned a song from a worship CD a few years ago that I sang as a special number on Easter Sunday.  But then I realized how appropriate it also could be for Christmas.  "The Greatest Gift" by Vicky Beeching, expresses how I feel about the gift Jesus has given to me by His sacrifice on the cross.  I choked up a little as I sang the song, and knew the Holy Spirit was stirring me to share that one because it comes from my own experience with Jesus!
Now, the only other detail every woman needs to decide is "what to wear?"
Fortunately, I had thought that one through and have my new black leggings, a black and white print longish tunic with a black sweater and a "Sally Ann" red scarf to complete the ensemble!  Black boots or flats will be the safe footwear choice-I don't want to trip up the steps to the stage in front of 100 ladies!
I better get ready soon as I promised to pick Dinah up for the evening's outing.  Mom can't make it in from out of town, but my sister and our aunt should be joining us.
Sure hope my hair cooperates...
Oops!  That's not what is important.
Keep focused on Jesus, Cindy...its all about Him!

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