Wednesday 16 December 2015

Advent has been a season of waiting, anticipation, preparation...
Each Sunday, Gina Marie had readings to accompany the lighting of the candles for our Advent tradition.  I took note of those three words above, and this week they have had special meaning not necessarily related to the coming of Jesus Christ but to our present reality.
We received the news last Saturday morning of the sudden passing of Walter's childhood friend, Doug Malish.  They had been buddies from the age of 4 years old and grew up together through their elementary and high school years.  Walter spent a lot of time at the Malish home and might have been mistaken for another of the Malish brothers, with their dark hair and "cheesy" moustaches!
I remember the first time I met Doug.  Walter had brought me to his hometown of Clyde, Alberta to visit his folks.  It was July 1 long weekend.  The Malish family ran a trucking business and had a huge shop for doing repairs and storing equipment.  We walked from Walter's parents' home across town to that shop, all the while Walter preparing me for how Doug may be a little rough and crude at times!  Trucker family and all...We were both just out of Bible College and I think Walter wanted me to be aware of the atmosphere I may encounter.  I wasn't exactly innocent and naive;  but I was duly warned and braced myself for some colourful language and perhaps some off-colour jokes!
Doug was very polite, toning down any language and comments from what I had expected.  It was a very pleasant visit and I was very impressed with Doug's manners and friendliness.  Sure surprised Walter!
We would often hang out with Doug when we'd visit in Clyde, going for coffee or watching a movie. But as we got married, had children and got more involved in our ministry in Regina, we saw less of Doug.
Then, Walter got a phone call:  Doug asked if Walter would be a groomsmen for him and his wife to be, Wanda.  We had a blast at their wedding - a cowboy theme and attire.  The kids were intrigued by the big net full of balloons to be released at the dance hall, so we made sure we all were there for the couple's first dance and the showering down of all those balloons!
For most of their married life, they lived out of their truck.  They would look us up when they passed through Saskatchewan.  Once, they spent a couple days with us when they had an unexpected break-down that kept them stuck in Regina.
We could always count on Doug to regale us with tales of their younger years!  There were moments when Walter wished Doug wouldn't repeat some of the adventures in front of our impressionable kids, but we knew Doug and Wanda were great people, generous and loyal friends and loved hanging around with us and our family.
In the recent years, we were their mailing address so we did see or connect with them more regularly. So to be some of the first to be contacted at the sad news of Doug's passing was an honour.
For Walter to also be asked to take the funeral service was both an amazing privilege and an emotionally difficult request.  To have a close friend, only 8 days younger, die suddenly and be asked to perform a special ministry for him has been a roller coaster ride for us both!
In anticipation of the funeral on Saturday, December 20, Walter has been meditating on Scripture and sharing memories.  He has been taking time to be alone, to think and pray, to work on projects in his garage.  It is one thing to prepare for a celebration, a party, a happy time like Christmas; it is another to prepare for a sad, too-early parting of loved ones.  So the spiritual and emotional journey of preparing for this ministry is heavy and taxing.
As the wife, I feel helpless to comfort.  I feel a sadness that comes from my own memories and friendship with Doug and his wife, Wanda.  But I know I can only come alongside, pray and pray some more and offer my presence more than anything else.  There really aren't words at a time like this.  And as we spend hours in the car tomorrow on the way up to Walter's hometown, I believe God will already be ahead of us, preparing the way.  Where He has called us, He will equip us for the ministry..  Speaking in front of the many friends and folks whom Walter hasn't seen in over 30 years, is a daunting task.  Only fully trusting in the Holy Spirit to speak through him will give Walter the confident assurance that he can do this.
"I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken." 
 Psalm 16:8
This is a unique lesson in Advent, the preparation time.  Learning to trust even more the plans of God and surrendering to be part of them.

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