Sunday 15 December 2013

Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent.
Each Sunday, we - and many other Christians around the world - count down the days until that day we celebrate the  birth of Christ.  Many denominations celebrate with elaborate liturgy in awesome cathedrals.  In many languages and in various forms of dress and style, believers in Jesus read Scriptures and prepared homilies about the themes of the season.  Our common North American themes are on Love, Peace, Joy, Hope and the final Christmas Eve candle lit is the Christ Candle.  
I wrote a song several years ago that followed a different theme: Prophecy, Preparation, Proclamation and Promise. I've been honoured to have Healing Hearts church in Regina use it each year for our Advent liturgy. Although many of us haven't grown up in formal churches, some of us have been exposed or raised in the traditions that include Advent ceremonies.  So when we began to light candles and have readings, I didn't think it was that big of a deal.  I thought most folks just took it in stride with our church style that was fairly casual. But one December, I didn't bring out the wreath and candles and someone noticed.  Then one of our elders came to me and asked about the advent part of our worship service.  I shrugged and said, "I didn't know if people were really 'into' it..."
Well, the response was overwhelming!  
"Oh, yeah, we're into it!  Lighting the Advent candles is our tradition at Healing Hearts!"  (By that time the church plant in inner city Regina was maybe 4 or 5 years old-and that was enough time to form a tradition!)
And so began what has become 15+ years of celebrating Advent ~ which now includes the song I wrote for the occasion.  Here it is...enjoy the meaning of Advent as we do prepare our hearts for the Coming of our King.
O CANDLE LIGHT - Cindy M. Selke, 1998
Verse 1
God told the prophets of His Son, who would be born in Bethlehem;
And now to you is born this day a little Child upon the hay.
O candle light, O candle bright, Reminding of that holy night;
O candle bright, draw us to God's perfect light.
Verse 2
God sent an angel to prepare Mary for the Child she'd bear,
and in a dream her husband new the special Child would need him, too.
Verse 3
Then many angels did proclaim the joyful news-O praise His Name!
That Baby born to you this night is the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Verse 4
That Baby born so long ago, lived and died and then arose.
As He ascended in the sky, He said to wait for Him on high.
Verse 5
We gather on this Holy night amidst the glow of candlelight,
To offer to our Lord above our gift of praise for His great love.

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