Tuesday 31 December 2013

I'm a sentimental old fool!
I like to reminisce on old times.
I like stories from the past.
Some of my favourite books and movies are of pioneer days and the "Dirty Thirties".
Today is just such an occasion when I look back on the year just past, 2013, and revisit the highlights and memories.  My emotions ride up and down the roller coaster of recollection and I allow myself the bittersweet smiles and tears.
Some of our family's experiences last year were challenging.
Daniel had shoulder surgery in January and was in a healing time while trying to finish a semester of university.  His curling career was put on hold for the rest of that winter season.
I, too, had gall bladder surgery.  I was nervous, wondering how I'd survive anesthetic,  how my diet and lifestyle might be affected.  Would the timing of the surgery fit into our busy schedule?
Walter had a health journey of his own, adjusting medications and experiencing side affects and then withdrawals as he came off of them.  There were some dark moments when we wondered if the journey had an end!
But many amazing experiences were full of joy!
Our oldest son, Mark, was married to a beautiful woman of God, Amy, in a wedding ceremony that celebrated the Lord and His gift of marriage.  We rejoiced with family and friends at God's guiding hand in leading them together. This was a truly joyous occasion that highlighted our year!
Another family event that we treasure is attending a "Labour Day Classic" CFL football game where the Roughriders faced the Bluebombers in Taylor Field.  Our whole family went to the game, the sun was shining on us and the Riders won!  The weekend was all the more special because we know the times we are ALL able to connect is rare now that Mark & Amy live in Manitoba.
Our daughter, Caylea, had some firsts this year:  first "real" job, first time taking a car by herself up to college in Nipawin, and first time being an R.A. (residents' assistant) in the women's dorm. We've rejoiced to see her rise to those new responsibilities and grow immensely.
A real challenge has been the difficult months where my Dad has been in the hospital.  The crisis, the questions, and now the new reality of Dad's future in a long term care facility have been a journey that has been emotionally straining.
As I spent the past hour journaling these memories, it has been a healthy and therapeutic exercise for me.  To step back from the actual events and take a bird's eye view after they are over has given me a different perspective.  What is that perspective?
I saw in a powerfully overarching way how God has been with me, with us, every step of that journey of 2013.  For every trial, God heard my prayers and gave the grace to endure and persevere to get through.  For every joyful occasion, God blessed us with His presence and celebrated in our midst!  In faithfulness, the Lord gave me Scriptures to encourage me and promises to assure me.  Whenever I thought I'd lose it or that life would completely fly apart, His hand held me and the circumstances under in His control.
The theme I saw through this sentimental journey was TRUST.  I'd have saved myself a lot of tears and anxiety if I could simply trust Him.  But that's the thing with new experiences that happen that can go either way:  we know the right response but we have to learn it for each event!  Thankfully, our God is patient, full of tenderness and gentleness with His children, and He is willing to stick with us through our slowness and blunders.
My word to you, my friends, is to step out in full TRUST in the Lord for the year ahead.  Can we lose by letting Him lead us?  Can we make a mistake by leaning on His strength and wisdom for the unknowns of 2014?  
See you on the journey...

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