Saturday 21 December 2013

As I write this afternoon, snowflakes are falling softly and all is calm and serene in my neighbourhood.
Caylea, our daughter who is away at Bible College in Nipawin, Saskatchewan, arrived home yesterday! She bounded in with her luggage and cheery greetings.  Hugs and sampling of fresh baked buns were followed by a trip to visit Grandpa in the hospital.  She put on her red cowgirl hat with the pigtails attached-a gift from Grandpa a couple years ago!  As she rode the elevator and walked down the sixth floor ward at the General Hospital, she did receive nods and comments.  Grandpa didn't disappoint her-he grinned and giggled at the sight of Caylea and her hat, while she sang the traditional song that accompanied said hat: "Christmas time's a'comin'-Christmas time's a'comin'!"
After our little visit, we drove to the mall and parked beside the tree lot.  Texts flew as we tried to meet up from our various appointments and errands to choose a Christmas tree together.  This is family tradition to pick a tree -usually on the coldest night of the month-and then set it up and have a special meal.  Not quite the same as past years-only Caylea and Grandma were able to help Walter and I pick, pay for and carry the tree.  And yes, it felt like the coldest night of December!
Supper was hamburger soup, fresh buns and apple pie for dessert!  We retired to the family room for some episodes of Duck Dynasty-Caylea was behind having been at school studying studiously!  Then we ended the evening with the movie "Chicken Run"-Grandma hadn't seen it and we all laughed until our sides hurt!
Now today, we slept in, which isn't difficult when the sun doesn't rise until 9 am.  When Caylea finally got dressed, we headed off to the play practice for the Sunday School program tomorrow.  Yes, tomorrow.  First and only practice but it will go as well as any other year goes!
Caylea hadn't done any Christmas shopping yet so her brother, Daniel came by the church after the play practice and they braved the malls on the last Saturday before Christmas.
And now, as the late afternoon sun is sinking in the western sky, I need to think about carving the turkey and ham for the Christmas dinner following the program tomorrow.  Oh, yes, and the tree has opened up nicely and needs to be watered and the gifts placed under...
Just a glimpse into the holiday preparations in the Selke home...more to come!
Can't wait until the rest of our family arrives Monday...

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