Tuesday 29 November 2016

With my car loaded with ladies and luggage, I drove out of the city to the beautiful Last Mountain Lake.  The four-lane highway turned to a secondary highway through Craven and wound its way to a gravel road.  We felt like we were driving to the middle of nowhere, and technically we did drive to the end of the road!  As we pulled into Strasbourg Bible Camp, Tammie and her mother-in-law Rose and my daughter, Caylea piled out of the car.  Several of the ladies from Healing Hearts Regina were already there and greeted us as we entered the main lodge.
Excitement was in the air as we registered and found our room assignments.  I threw my stuff onto a bottom bunk and went back to start the visiting!
The main meeting room had all the couches and chairs pulled into semi-circular rows in front of the fireplace, which had a small but warm fire already started.  A few more women arrived and we went ahead to have supper at 6 pm.  The service started around 7 and still not all the carloads had arrived  Texts and phone calls sorted out the directions; it is nearly impossible to find the camp at night as GPS and Google Maps just don't register it.  Eventually the latecomers arrived safely and some had a late supper and others just joined us for the evening service.
One of the latecomers was Joni, who was going to co-lead the music for the retreat.  She had to help Gina Marie's husband, Spurgeon who had been hunting in the Meadow Lake area.  His vehicle broke down and she had to bring him the rest of the way south.  It all worked out and Aimee was able to lead us in worship even though she was alone as a "worship team of one"!
Debbie Matthews was our speaker - she is a missionary in Nipawin with HHM.  The theme was on being "Re-Created" and Debbie did a wonderful job of setting the scene for God's intention for us as women and how God has sent His Son to re-create and redeem us.  Along with the teachings from Scripture, Debbie shared her story.  God definitely used her journey into healing in Jesus Christ to illustrate the hope for all of us.
The weekend was marked by sharing wonderful meals and making new friends.  But it also became apparent that the enemy was not pleased with our gathering.  By suppertime, Nancy who had been M.C. for the meetings, called us as leaders together to pray, especially for Debbie.  So we met in the laundry room, away from everyone else, and prayed to claim the camp and the retreat for Jesus!  Debbie was going to be addressing the topic of strongholds in our lives and no doubt the devil would try to target her.  That evening was a powerful time and we praise the Lord for the words Debbie was free to share.  Later, she told me 7 different women met with her over the weekend to pray through and talk through a lot of the principles she had shared.  She challenged us to forgive those who have harmed and hurt us  She also challenged us to repent of all immorality and be free from sin.  This was not a retreat of only fun and games but of getting serious with the Lord and seek His healing.
Don't get me wrong-there was laughter and games and walks and a movie night!
Sunday morning, Gina Marie led us in a special Advent candle-lighting time before breakfast.  With the only light being the Christmas tree and the candle on the Advent wreath, we stood around the candle to sing and listen to Scriptures on Hope.
The last morning went by quickly and was wrapped up by some final words of thanks and gifts being given to those who served us by leading.
I felt both joy and pride in the way our HHM women stepped up to organize and run the retreat.  At the same time I felt sad and kind of set aside from this particular ministry.  I used to help plan, organize and lead these and this time I was simply a participant.  The enemy was trying to use that as a weapon against me.  But the other side was I did support the endeavour with prayer and bringing ladies and engaging the new ones who joined us.
I know I was blessed and God taught me how to sit back and receive from my teammates.
Looking forward to how God will continue His healing work as a ripple effect of the weekend.

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