Wednesday 23 November 2016

What a week!
Mondays have traditionally been our day off, but with the rebuilding project, Mondays are now busy. Walter has a job site to manage, materials to order and administrative concerns at the same time  So we are fortunate to have had a quiet, restful weekend before the week hit!
I thought I would get back at the painting at our house and pick up some groceries, as we had company coming for supper and overnight.  I had made some assumptions of how my day would go and from 2 pm onwards, I had some major readjustments to make!
Without boring you with all the details, I stopped painting midstream in order to accompany Caylea to her appointment at the cancer clinic.  She wanted me to come last minute and I am glad I did.  I learned along with her how to give the Interferon injections.  That part went very well.  Took longer than planned so Walter had to clean up my paint mess and welcome our guests before I got home.
But within a couple hours, Caylea had a bad reaction to the drug.  We hadn't known what the procedure would be at the clinic, so she didn't take any Tylenol prior to the injection.  And she hadn't hydrated sufficiently-usually they give IV fluids and that wasn't the case.  With company at our supper table, suddenly Caylea turned quite pale, chilled and went up to bed!  We didn't think too much of it until Walter checked on her and she was curled up and crying!  She had cramps in her legs and ankles, was aching and feeling so ill.  It was horrible to watch!
Walter took over to massage her and give her fluids.  He texted our medical friends and got advice.  Daniel and I filled in for the curling team-too late to cancel,we thought.  And our company adjusted with us and helped out tremendously!
We got to the curling club and our opposition called ten minutes before game time to cancel.  I was soooo frustrated.  We all decided to stay and throw a few rocks.  Then we ordered the snack platter and hung out.  My niece was there to curl and so we wanted her to have a good experience and get in some practice.  It all worked out.
In the meantime, Walter got Caylea feeling better and praise the Lord, she got through it!
The next day was a break from the Interferon so Caylea was able to recover and drink lots of water.  She planned a strategy for Wednesday (today) to prepare herself for the injection.  And that went well, by the way.  She still had some side effects but milder and manageable.  She was able to lead the Bible study at youth group and came back feeling better physically and encouraged about the way the study worked out!
To add to my busy schedule, our 2017 Healing Hearts calendars arrived and we set to work to print off a Christmas letter and begin to stuff envelopes for our big mail-out.  Fortunately, I had been painting to my favourite Christmas CD's in the morning, so I had some festive cheer going on to set the mood!
Wow!  It is only Wednesday night and I feel like it must be at least Friday.
But as I write, I am reminded that it is American Thanksgiving tomorrow.  I had read an online devotional on choosing thankfulness even when emotions don't feel it.  Psalm 100 was the Scripture text.  There are so many things God has done for us, grace He has given through hard days, people who have encouraged us and prayed for us.  Even tonight as I prayed for Caylea to be able to lead the devotional study at youth group, I praised and thanked God for how He did give her health and strength and success!
Tomorrow is a new day and the mail-out may or may not get finished and my painting will likely have to wait...sigh!  But its not about what gets accomplished; its about my attitude in the midst of interruptions, unexpected events and health crises.
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise."  Psalm 100:3

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