Sunday 20 November 2016

Yep, today was a "normal" Sunday...
Walter and I arrived at Healing Hearts in time to visit with a few people before Spurgeon called us to find a seat.  I grabbed a coffee and sat between my husband and my son, Mark and daughter-in-law, Amy.  (Daniel had been curling in a bonspiel in Moose Jaw all weekend and Caylea was up in Nipawin for an alumni event.)
Spurgeon prompted us with our usual "Praise the Lord!" and the congregation, a little sparse today, responded with the loud echo "Praise the Lord!"  Then he opened our service with thoughts on Facebook posts.  Can we believe them all?  Are all "news sites" legitimate?  His challenge to us was that the Internet is a prime place to prove the Scripture of Paul's letter to Timothy that people will no longer endure sound doctrine but only listen to what their "itching ears" want to hear.  We ought to be a people who discern truth and not buy into everything we hear.  God's Word is our unfailing guide.
Then Gina Marie and her team led us in musical worship...with a song written by one of our own Healing Hearts songwriters.  It always feels like home when I sing with our own church family.  I even had tears as I lifted my voice and hands to the Lord!
Bob invited Vivian to the front and explained how she had taken some training to become a hospital visitation/chaplain and felt called to this ministry.  We as HHM pastoral leaders came up and surrounded her as Walter led us in prayer to commission Vivian into this area where she already has functioned but now is going to do more intentionally for Jesus.
Bob gave the announcements.  (One of our interns last year commented how this was his favourite part of our services-you never know what will get announced or how we all interact to correct or change upcoming events! Always exciting!)
Then the kids were prayed for and marched around the sanctuary once before heading to their Sunday School rooms.  Bob had to play the "Marching in the Light of God"song on Kelly's electric guitar-a unique version of the song!
Spurgeon pulled up a stool and grabbed a microphone to lead us in the sharing time.  This is the heart of our Sunday morning time together.  Several shared prayers needs, answers to prayer, and how God was working in their lives.  One guy who hasn't been to church in months gave us an update on how his family was doing and asked for prayer as he struggles as a single dad whose "ex" doesn't encourage the same priorities in raising their kids.
We had a visiting couple and their new baby girl welcomed.  The wife had been part of our Millar College teams a few years ago and returned just to connect with HHM.  It was so encouraging to have someone we had invested in and who served us come back because of "relationship".  That's what we believe it's all about!
After Spurgeon prayed and gave thanks for the various things shared, Bob came up to the front to preach from I John.  It was a sermon on "If" and "Then" statements.  If we do certain things, God does certain things.  If we sin, then we have consequences.  If we walk in darkness, then we don't have the light of God.  If we say we don't sin, then we lie.  If we confess our sins, then God will forgive us our sins.  Oh, how we need our Saviour's mercy!
As Bob closed in prayer, a few women gathered at the front to arrange the transportation for the upcoming ladies' retreat planned for the next weekend.  People chatted, admired the little babies and it was so good to fellowship.
Walter and I left about 1:30 or later...and I was already planning the lunch I was going to prepare for our family.  It's been nice to have Mark & Amy around just to have over for Sunday dinner.
Mark was excited when he walked in to smell and see "breakfast for lunch".  Bacon sizzling, hashbrowns browning, pancakes bubbling.
It was a relaxing afternoon of visiting, with NFL football on TV as Daniel had control of the remote, The quiet afternoon ended for us as we peeled ourselves from our recliners to head over to the ministry centre for staff meeting.  Although we love it and want to build team, it can be an effort to meet on Sunday nights.  Just can't find any other time slot in the week that suits the majority.
But it was a worthwhile time to discuss upcoming Christmas events and activities, to connect about the week ahead and to share and pray for each other and for the ministry.  Walter gave an update on the building project and the plans for the coming days. What struck me tonight was the transparency we can have with each other.  And the passion our team has for their ministries and for the church body.
Lord, hear our prayers!  Humble us and keep us in Your care.  We need You!  We want to be a strong team in Your Name. Protect us from harm, division, distraction, spiritual attack.  Thank You for all You have done.  We are blessed!  To You be all the glory!
We were home by 7:30 as Mark & Amy were just heading back to their humble abode.  Caylea had arrived from Nipawin. Daniel was making popcorn and had switched to his Green Bay Packers jersey.  As Walter & I warmed up some leftovers for a late supper, it just feels good to be home.
And that is a "normal" Sunday for the Selkes!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! What a perfect description of a Healing Hearts morning!! I miss it!
