Friday 27 May 2016

I must start today's blog with PRAISE!
Walter did very well after surgery.  I picked him up about 5:30 pm (surgery was at noon) and he was feeling pretty good.  A little nausea, some slight low blood pressure but mostly all was well.
He slept fairly well through the night, having taken some pain meds at bedtime.  His appetite was strong and he had a bowl of porridge and coffee for breakfast, which he made for himself at 5 am!  I, on the other hand, hadn't slept well in anticipation that Walter might need something.  So I finally fell back to sleep after 5 until 7:45!
The phone rang about then.
An apologetic receptionist from the Allan Blair Cancer Centre called for Caylea.  Could she come in for an 8:30 appointment this morning as a cancellation made a space available?  Of course!  So I quickly dressed and met Caylea at the front door.  Walter had hoped to come to this first cancer clinic appointment, but as it turned out, it was more registration and introduction to the process and the doctor.
I sat in the waiting room, my mind spinning with details and the realization that this is cancer!
Again, I was so thankful for our family being home, Walter doing well, and the Lord continuing to be with us as we journey.
The doctor did examine Caylea and explained the surgical test results.  He would order a PET scan, in Saskatoon where the only machine in Saskatchewan is located.  This should show more detail as to the cancer cell activity, moreso than a CT scan would reveal.  So he put a rush on that requisition and we hope in a couple weeks to complete that step.  Dr. Iqbal hesitated to stage the cancer yet; so we wait!
A blessing today was that a school friend from my elementary days is a social worker in the Allan Blair.  She had seen my posts on Facebook, and sent me a private message that she could connect with us whenever we came to the centre. I texted her and she met us at the Robin's at the Pasqua Hospital.  Although only a brief chat, it was nice to have someone reach out.
I took it easy after the appointment, feeling everything catching up with me.  We watched a movie, eating an early supper in front of the TV.  The kids all had plans for a Friday night so it was quiet around the house for once!  We even took a slow walk outside this evening-so much to PRAISE God for today.
That's the update.  Good night!

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