Thursday 26 May 2016

I held the papers in my hand, attempting to decipher words such as axilliary and excised and micromastasticized.  Thankfully Caylea's surgeon was kind enough to translate to us and answer our questions!
The follow up with Dr. Kurtz was basically telling us the results of the tissue and lymph nodes, which our family physician had told Caylea over the phone.  But the new "news" is that Dr. Kurtz will be meeting with oncologists and others to consult on the best course of action next Wednesday afternoon, Caylea should receive a call.
In the meantime, one of the options mentioned that we didn't know was possible is that they could go in and remove all the lymph nodes under Caylea's arm that could potentially become cancerous.  Some side effects with that are less troublesome than chemotherapy or radiation, so I was happy about that.  Caylea looked distraught, having just been through surgery and not relishing the nausea and post-op recovery journey so soon!
So glad Mark and Amy are here visiting.  They took Caylea to a movie the other afternoon - "Angry Birds"!  Today, they have plans for the Science Centre or maybe the Tunnels in Moose Jaw.  This brings joy to our hearts as our kids hang out and enjoy each other.
I am also rejoicing because today, at noon, Walter will be going under anesthetic to have his gall bladder removed!  The next couple days may be rough, but I keep my eyes on the prize: a healthy hubby and less hyper-vigilance on fat-free menu!
As the texts and messages come on both our phones this morning, we are so grateful for God's wonderful grace!  We are surrounded by the support of family and friends, prayers and compassion.
I read in Acts this morning of how the Apostles were ministering in the Temple courtyard and people were flocking to hear the teaching and bring the sick to be healed.  I don't want to be a chaser of healing and miracles only - I want to know Jesus for who He is!  But I know that He loves us and can bring His healing on His children as we seek and ask.  What He wants to accomplish through all of our family's health and other trials, we submit to!  And as Gamaliel, a Pharisee, declared, "If this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them.  You might even be found opposing God!"  In other words, what God is purposing in His Kingdom, whether a big movement or small details, NOTHING can stand against His will!
Good to know.
I believe God is accomplishing something eternal in our family and in us as individuals as we trust Him through illness, future unknowns and challenges of various kinds.  James 1 is a go-to Scripture as we work through these circumstances.  "Count it all joy".
Will be checking in again after Walter's surgery...

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