Saturday 24 December 2022

 The Ultimate Treasure

The deep sea divers ride out to a designated spot in the wavy waters.  Sunlight sparkles like diamonds on the ocean.  Clad in wetsuits, the divers drop down into the water, still attached to the boat with umbilical cords of hose.  Their only equipment is an oxygen tank and small tools for recovering treasure.


Wild-eyed men headed west, and north, to pursue the dream of a lifetime.  Selling everything, they paid passage on trains, ships and wagons to seek for the promise of gold.  Enduring weather, hardship, isolation and competition of other miners, their only goal was to find the motherlode.

The kings traveled with their entourage from a distant land, going on the word of ancient writings.  Resources weren't a problem; finding the exact location was.  Arriving at the logical place, the capital city of the region, the men inquired of the local government as to the whereabouts of the new king.  A new king?  With a little research and detective work, the wise men from the east continued a few miles more to the town, a very little and insignificant town, of Bethlehem.

What did they find?  A young mother, a small child and the greatest treasure ever!

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up.  Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."  (Matthew 13:44)

Tonight as you attend a candlelight service, or spend a quiet evening with family, consider the treasure you seek.  Is it the riches of money and possessions?  Is it glory, popularity or fame? Is it comfort and health and a life of ease?

Anything worth pursuing must involve effort, cost and sacrifice.  But when you find the treasure you have been seeking, the joy is more than a fleeting pleasure.  Finding Jesus Christ, the King of kings, is the ultimate joy and results in everlasting satisfaction.  He forgives our sins, heals our diseases and promises a home in heaven for eternity!

Christmas Eve.  Finding the ultimate Treasure.

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