Saturday 10 October 2015

The Apostle Paul was an example of being thankful.  Many of his letters to the churches begins with "We always thank God, the Father...when we pray for you..." (Colossians 1:2) and other similar greetings.  Paul expressed his joy and gratefulness for their faith and their partnership in the gospel (Philippians 1:3-5).
On a personal level, Paul was also able to give thanks for his lot in life.  As a Pharisee and a Roman citizen, he had been fairly well off financially.  His social standing and economic status were very respectable.  But when he encountered Christ on the Road to Damascus, his life and financial circumstance changed dramatically!
In Philippians 4:11 & 12, Paul shared his "attitude of gratitude" to the believers in Philippi.
"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content....I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need."  Paul's secret to his life on the road spreading the gospel was "to be content".
A couple verses later, Paul acknowledges the support of the Philippian church for his ministry.  "Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble"  (verse 14).  He explains the relationship these believers have had with him in the past, "no church entered into partnership with me in giving and receiving, except you only" (verse 15b).  He is careful not to emphasis the gifts, but the blessing on the giver by the Lord.
In the next month, Walter and I are visiting various churches who have partnered with us and our ministry of Healing Hearts.  We will give reports of the ministry.  We will share praise items and also some of the burdens and areas that we would appreciate prayer.  And we will take the opportunity to "give thanks" for their financial support that enables us to serve in the ministry full time.
Are there any words that capture how we feel, as recipients of such generosity and kindness?  I know for Walter especially as man and provider for our family, it is humbling to have others supply our monthly income, to know the sacrifice of so many who give to the work of the Lord.  But it is about "partnership" and God ordains that many missions are established by faith and gifts of the "giver and the goer".  His Kingdom works that way so no one but Himself can receive the glory!
God has shown us how to live in plenty and how to trust in seasons of need.  Our children also have witnessed how in those times of want, we have prayed and God has provided, often miraculously!  This life as faith missionaries has been rich for us and I wouldn't trade the experiences for anything.
For those who are reading this blog, who have been supporters of Walter and myself and our family over the years, THANK YOU!  May God "supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (verse 19).

Day 6 - How has God taught you the "secret" to being content as a part of thankfulness?

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