Tuesday 6 October 2015

I opened the blinds of our bedroom window.  Early morning sunlight streamed in and bathed our room in warmth and brilliance.
Isn't it easy to be thankful when the sun is shining and life is good?
Later on in my day, I strolled down the sidewalk of our street, through rustling leaves and pleasant fall breezes.  As I put the key into our mailbox and opened the small door, I reached in to grab a handful of flyers and a couple letters for fundraisers.  Kind of disappointing to receive junk mail.   Then my eye caught the white envelope and actual handwritten address on the front.  A personal letter?  I quickened my pace back to the house so I could open the mail.  After sorting through and disposing of the unwanted stuff, I sat down to savour real mail, carefully opening the seal and drawing out a nice card.  Inside was a note of appreciation and encouragement for Walter and me.  And out dropped a neatly folded cheque, "to take a holiday or pay a bill", just for us!
Isn't it easy to be thankful when the mail brings good news?
Tonight we have been invited out for supper by friends from out of town.  I look forward to not cooking, but also to dressing up a bit and being on the receiving end of friendship and blessing.  This is something special, a treat, and I plan on enjoying the night out.
Isn't it easy to be thankful when friends want to spend time with us?

Job 1:21b is a verse that is often quoted when life is hard and unfair.  Job had been blessed of the Lord and had a family and prosperity.  He worshiped God and made sacrifice for his family.  And then when tragedy struck, he lost it all.  We read this verse in the context of loss and grief and suffering.  We learn to give thanks even when God takes away?
But today, I read the second half of verse 21 and can genuinely say that the Lord has given to me.   I am blessed; I am provided for beyond my needs and wants.  I will not take for granted the good gifts I have received this day.
"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
I will take time today - NOW - to say thank You to my Father God for the sunshine, the generous gift and the evening out with friends.
Day 4 ~ Can you count your blessings today?

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