Sunday 21 December 2014

The eaves are dripping and the blue sky gives the appearance of spring...
but it is December 21 and we just came home from our 20th Christmas program at Healing Hearts!
The very first program and Christmas dinner we held with our new ministry was held at the Albert Scott Community Centre.  We had a good turnout of folks, some young families and guests came and I believe there were about 50 people in total.  I don't remember the songs we sang or what Walter preached.  I had a very small repertoire of music I could play on my guitar back then-mainly in
the key of D!  Most certainly Walter gave a rousing message from Luke 2 on the Christmas story and a Gospel presentation for the audience who was likely about half young believers and half non-church goers.
What sticks out in my memory is that about half hour before we planned to have our meal, as our service was nearly over, strangers began carrying in aluminum pans and various boxes into the community centre's kitchen.  They looked as confused as we were, as we had turkey and pots of potatoes on the stove.
Unfortunately, we had not booked the centre for longer than our usual Sunday time slot.  And the community centre coordinator didn't inform us of another rental group to follow us.  So, we had to close our service and haul the food down the block to our house.  What else could we do?  All kinds of people walked carrying pots, roasters and all the paper plates and cups up the street to 1372 Montague Street. We set up a line in our dining room and had a coffee pot perking away in the kitchen.  My Dad and stepmom were leaning against the counters in the kitchen, completely blown away that we would have all these people in our home.  Some were street people and definitely low income/welfare recipients.  But they were all grateful, polite and helpful as we made do for our first ever Christmas dinner!
People were in every corner on the main floor and in the basement, including sitting on the stairs holding their plates in their laps!  We had plenty of food and in the end my house was cleaner than when we started.  We have some pictures to prove it in an old photo album somewhere...
Today, we had two guitarists, a bass player, keyboard player (my daughter) and drummer, plus three vocalists.  We had carols projected on the wall, a wooden nativity scene and special lighting for the holiday atmosphere.  About 100 or more came to the program and turkey dinner in our very own building, over half paid for through the congregation itself.
Several little Sunday School children played the parts in the Christmas play with my son, Daniel, being the Narrator.  Vivian, also at the first Christmas dinner, was in charge of the meal today and had things running very smoothly in the kitchen.  With many families and individuals participating and contributing, Walter and I were able to sit and enjoy the service.  I sang and played a special number (with Caylea on keyboard) and another staff daughter, Kezziah, played "Silent Night" on the xylophone.
Sometimes, it is good to remember the humble beginnings of our ministry so that the Lord is glorified in the amazing program we enjoyed today.  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this occasion of Your birth, that we may celebrate our salvation.  In twenty years, You have been our Joy each Christmas!

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