Saturday 27 December 2014

"O Come let us adore Him...Christ the Lord!"
Is it difficult to set aside time to adore Jesus during the holiday season?
We talk about it.
We hear sermons on it.
We sing about it.
Today, this week, let us adore Him.  He is worthy.  He is above all else.  He is supreme.
When I took some quiet time today after several days of people and church and cooking, it felt so refreshing, like a cool glass of pure water!  I simply played my guitar and sang songs that came to mind. I wrote some reflections in my journal.  I meditated on Scripture in Philippians 4:8 and Psalms. God restored my soul by His Spirit as I set my eyes on Jesus Christ.
The Christmas carol above is an invitation to worship.
He is waiting, not demanding, but ever so quietly and patiently waiting for our minds to settle down and our hearts to reach out to Him.  I picture Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father with a smile on His face.  He is not rushed.  He is eternal.
As I felt His peace and let Him touch my heart, I felt renewed.
I can go on after pouring into my family and the events of Christmas.  I feel filled up once again.
"O Come all ye faithful..."
Let us be faithful in regular and frequent worship!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh Cindy, such graceful thoughts...and thank you for sharing them with us. Again it is something that we need to be brought to awareness of again and again to remove the fog and distraction of everyday living. Yesterday, the song and worship of my heart was/is a song Dennis Jernnigan wrote " You are my all in all". This comes clearer with every season we pass through. Life...😊 opportunity to worship. Blessings my friend.
