Sunday 5 April 2020

     My next book should be called "What God is Teaching Me Through COVID-19" subtitled, "Lockdown Isn't a Punishment."  Can anyone out there relate?
     Surprisingly, I am learning that I am more of an "I" personality in my 50's than I have ever exhibited.  When I found I must stay at home and not participate in group activities and gatherings, I reacted badly.  I felt trapped, angry, indignant, then worried and fearful of what this pandemic would mean for us all.  While Walter, who is normally an active, project-driven person, is actually enjoying this down-time and accepting the parameters with little resistance, I have taken longer to settle down and roll with this social distancing and self-isolation.
     Now that I am a couple of weeks into this new normal, I have developed some routine for myself and our household.  I am trying to keep my morning quiet time consistent and that has been wonderful.  With no need to rush into the day, I can meet with the Lord and enjoy journalling, singing, reading and praying.  I am planning and preparing tasty meals, which has been good for our health and making use of leftovers more efficiently.  Making exercise a daily habit, we walk often, or I have a workout DVD that keeps me moving and stretching!  I am learning to discipline myself into a routine once again, now that our schedule of travel and commuting has ground to a halt.
     Although not a new lesson, I am discovering how I value our family time with just "us."  With Caylea at home, and Daniel the only outside person coming into the house, we are spending more time together for meals, visiting, playing games or watching movies.  Walter and Caylea have worked on wood projects and Daniel has tinkered on his car, all taking place in Walter's beloved garage.  Having each other to ride through this storm has been precious.  We miss Mark and Amy!  I am so glad they were able to come out a few weekends ago before the inter-provincial travel restrictions were in place.  But phone calls and texts have kept us connected.
     I am learning so many rich lessons from the Word of God.  Last weekend when I ventured into leading some worship times on Facebook Live, I had read a Scripture in Psalm 45 that linked to Hebrews 4.  "Your throne, O God is forever and ever..." and "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace..."   I was sharing how I had seen many Facebook memes and others quoting this phrase "God is still on His throne", and this truth was important in the face of this pandemic crisis.  And as I was about to lead in some prayer, it struck me how God is on His throne in power and might, yet He also invites us to His throne to cry out to Him!  We can come with confidence and not dread, that He will comfort us and show us His mercy and grace.
     Today, as Walter, Caylea and I led a Facebook Live worship service from our dining room for Healing Hearts Ministry, I realized just how God can bring His people together even if they can't meet in person.  As we sang, joked together a little, shouted "Praise the Lord!" and Walter preached his heart out, it all felt just as if our teammates and the church family were right there with us.  God is amazing and the spiritual bonds we have in Christ are incredible to experience.
     I am learning to trust the Lord more.  The news is reporting various numbers, experts are giving various words of advice and we are trying to use the sense God gave us.  But it is only the Lord God Himself who can bring us through this crisis and I am content in that fact.
     One more lesson: this pandemic experience may go down in history as the "Great Toilet Paper Crisis of 2020."  I hope we can look back and laugh when this is all over!


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