Monday 25 November 2019

It is a rare moment that I find myself alone in our house in Regina.
Sitting by our natural gas stove, that looks like an old-fashioned woodburning style, I have my feet up and a cup of flavoured coffee beside me.
Caylea is out for the afternoon.
Kaila, our temporary boarder, is at work.
Walter drove up to Prince Albert for a few days. 
I am determined to rest and take some down time.  We have been going steady for weeks and I am plum worn out! 
Our most recent trip was to Billings, MT for four days.  NCEM has an office there to receive American donations and also mail some communications from the U.S. (cheaper to mail in country than across the border).  We had a nice visit there with the couple who mans the office.  They are nearing retirement and it was good to connect with them to talk about the next steps for succession.
Several situations are going to be in transition in the next couple of years.  With many of our staff nearing retirement age, or at least slowing down from full time commitments, we will have openings in administration, finance, communications not to mention the ongoing need for field missionaries who will live in communities to share the Gospel!
My last blog entry mentioned that we would be interviewing a potential staff couple.  They are accepted as Associate staff with NCEM, hoping to reach out to First Nations south of Edmonton (the former Hobbema Reserve now known as Maskwacis (which actually has four First Nations in the immediate area).  The couple will continue with their current employment and do outreach as they can.  What a huge blessing!
In the past two weeks, I have been corresponding with two German students looking into internship possibilities in Canada.  Part of my role as Personnel Coordinator is to connect and facilitate interns, volunteers and potential full or part time staff, plus Associates.  I have an assistant, Doris, who is able to come in to the office and do the paperwork/computer work and keep up with the files.  She has enabled me to continue travel with Walter and look after more of the "people" part of Personnel.  Another assistant is our Candidate Coordinator, Andrew, who takes in the actual applications and processes the paperwork, calls references and prepares the applicants for a potential interview with us as the Executive.  He lives in Alberta, so is able to do his work from home.  At some point, this position could be under one, or two people again, but for now, three of us serve to make the Personnel Department work!
When Caylea was recently representing NCEM and HHM at Nipawin Bible College's missions weekend, another young couple connected at the booth.  They have submitted their application officially since then; we may have another interview at our next Executive in December!  God has certainly been answering our prayers for more labourers!
In the meantime, I am going to take it easy at home, do things like hair appointment, baking, writing, think about Christmas things! 
"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."  3 John 2
This Scripture came up on the "Verse of the Day" app on my phone a few days ago.  I have been feeling tired, not recovering as quickly from trips and repacking for another trip anyways.  Couple this with trouble sleeping and some challenges in ministry, I can feel some accumulation of exhaustion that isn't healthy.  But this verse gave me a warning.  John wrote these words as a prayer for Gaius, a servant of the Lord, who had some challenges in his church.  There were contentions and disagreements.  Some did not acknowledge John's authority and therefore also ignored Gaius' authority.  I am sure this church leader felt some stress.
The warning is for me to rest.  And to take time to take care of my soul.  That might mean sleep, exercise and doing fun recreational things.  Maybe I need a personal retreat.  Or time with friends. 
I also take this as permission to take care of myself and be comforted in God's care for me as a whole person.  He doesn't just say, "Buck up, stay tough and keep on truckin'!" He encourages rest, of body and soul. 
I have a book on my Kindle e-reader entitled "Four Gifts" by April Yamasaki.  As I slowly read and digest the concepts in this book, I am encouraged by the balance of taking care of heart, soul, mind and body.  We are not just spiritual creatures, especially those of us in full time ministry.  We have physical needs and limitations, as well as mental, emotional and social components to our beings.  So the author shares her own experiences and her journey through Scripture in discovering what biblical self-care is all about.  Good stuff.  Maybe I will have time this week to finish the book and absorb more of it into my real life!
That's the latest from my Saskatchewan Country Girl perspective.
P.S. - Caylea's oncologist appointment was A-OK!  She went to her family doctor to have a skin check, and then a confirmed appointment with a new dermatologist for this coming week.  So thankful for our health care and the resources we have!  God has been so good to us!

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