Tuesday 26 November 2019

How did I do on my self-imposed rest duty?
Well, partial success.
I went to prayer meeting at our church, which may seem like work, but I also know prayer is good for my soul.  I am glad I went. 
Then I stopped in at UltraCuts for a shampoo and trim.  I relaxed while the stylist shampooed my hair, massaging my scalp and carefully rinsing with warm and soothing water.  A hair appointment is always a pick-me-up and I left feeling fresh and good about myself.
It was lunch time.  So I stopped at restaurant for a bowl of soup.  Not as good as homemade but it was a treat! 
I confess, I had letters to deliver to churches so I did sneak in some "business".  It didn't feel like work, though, as I chatted with church receptionists and mission pastors.  They were encouraging and caring...just what I needed today.
Finally, I stopped by Walmart and bought a light bulb.  Wow, you say!  Why are you blogging about that incidental?  Because it was one of those errands that I kept getting put off and this unique bulb isn't one we keep on hand at home.  My favourite lamp needed a specific 40W chandelier bulb and I found one!  Yeah me! 
When I got home, I treated myself to a cup of tea and a pecan tart.  I realized I would be cooking just for me, so I made a microwave melt, salad and cooked carrots, broccoli and cauliflower.  I ate in front of the TV.  Really living on the edge :-)
In the spirit of rest, I took out my guitar and played some worship songs.  Special to just spend time with my Saviour.
The phone rang.
It was my husband!  We had a whole day to catch up on and it was good to connect.  We spend everyday together so being apart is strange and lonely.  I was glad he called.  And we prayed together before ending the conversation.  I really miss our nightly prayers before we go to sleep.  It gives me such peace.
The clock said 8:45 pm.  Too early to go to bed.  So I changed into workout clothes and put in my DVD - 15 minute total body workout by Jackie Warner.  A couple of years ago I tried to graduate to her 40 minute workout but it hurt.  A lot.  Back to 15 minutes!
And now, I am sipping water and blogging. 
It was still an active day, but with lots of fun things that I truly enjoy.
So I think I succeeded in "taking it easy" or at least spending some time on myself.
Tomorrow is another day...

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