Monday 6 August 2018

On as many mornings as possible I like to sneak away to the backyard for devotions.  A cup of steaming coffee, my Bible and journal are the items I need.  Some mornings I hear the birds, especially the meadowlark, and just enjoy the sounds of nature.  At other times, I enjoy the frolicking squirrel make its way along the back fence, or see baby robins get flight training.  As the flowers come into their time of blooming, I have been blessed to see peonies, lilies, daisies and bleeding hearts arrayed in all their glory!
A few weeks ago, I had settled into the hammock seat Walter had attached to the beam of our deck's glass roof.  I was simply listening and quieting my heart before reading and praying.  I noticed a young robin land on one of the rocks along the stream of our water feature.  It stood tentatively, nervously, taking a small sip from the flowing water, but immediately looking up and around.  Quick and anxious. 
Then I saw a blackbird, usually not my favourite as they are aggressive and scare off the other birds.  Sure enough, when it landed boldly and forcefully, the robin flew off in a flurry.  Not seeming to care, the blackbird plunged into the pond up to its neck in the water.  Splashing, flapping its wings, this bird immersed itself with great gusto and completely bathed in the refreshing pool.  After a minute or so, the bird hopped onto a rock and began its grooming ritual.  Taking time to preen each feather and shake out the excess moisture, the bird did a thorough job of coming to the pool for its needs.  Satisfied, it lifted off and flew away into the nearby trees.
The Lord brought to my attention that sometimes I am like the robin, coming to His presence just to take a quick sip of His life-giving waters.  Nervous, distracted and quick to leave and get onto other activities of my day.
What He wanted me to notice is that I can be like the blackbird, plunge in and soak up the presence of the Lord!  I can choose to chase off distractions and fully engage in drinking from the river of living water.
I have been letting that life lesson soak in. 
This morning, as I got comfortable in the hammock seat, I was surrounded by the ambience of birdsong.  My coffee steamed and the water fountain gurgled gently.  Then my eye caught sight of a brown-grey feathery ball beside the pond.  I could make out the wings tucked tightly, and a little beak and closed slit of an eye.  A morning dove was soaking in the warmth of the summer sun.
Again, the Lord showed me how peaceful and rich it is to simply sit and enjoy His presence.  The entire time I was journalling, reading Scripture and praying for my family and others, that little dove rested by the quiet waters.  Psalm 23 came to mind and I let my thoughts linger on how sweet it is to be restored by the Shepherd.  Hebrews 11:6 also came to my memory, reminding me that "...anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and the He rewards those who earnestly seek Him."  How special to receive the gift of God speaking to me through nature and His creatures!
Just when I was thinking it was time to go back into the house, the dove stirred from her warm place and flew off beyond the back fence.  Not to get to spooky, I took it to mean that there is a time to carry on with the day.  Even though I would love to sit and bask in God's glory, there are works for me to do...

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