Monday 14 August 2017

We are gearing up for the General Conference of NCEM held at Wilderness Edge in Pinawa, Manitoba.  Since accepting the leadership of NCEM back in March, one of our first responsibilities was to help plan and organize this conference.  Held once every three years, the missionaries from all over Canada gather to worship, fellowship, do business and play together!
Walter has a large part in the week's activities: speaking, teaching a couple workshops and leading a communion service.  I am co-leading the worship times with two very talented musicians in the mission and I am excited to participate in a ministry that "revs" me up!
This will be the first time Walter has addressed the missionary body as a whole to communicate to the entire group the vision and direction he senses God wants to take Northern Canada Evangelical Mission.  Our phrase or motto as a new Executive Team has been "It's a New Day!" and yet it will be a delicate balance of honouring the history and legacy of this almost 75 year old ministry to introducing and affirming the new ideas and strategies to be implemented.
I've been praying about this conference a lot.
In light of the recent history of NCEM and the major changes that have been introduced since we took on directorship, we wonder how this meeting time will go...
Some folks don't adapt well to change; others are gung-ho for fresh vision and new ideas!
As I pray about the time our mission family will dwell together, I pray that the Holy Spirit will set a tone of sweet fellowship, that He will bring healing to those who are wounded and peace to those who have felt turmoil.  I ask the Father to protect us, especially Walter, as he and the Executive Team provide leadership and spiritual covering for the organization.
I pray for the child and youth workers we have invited to minister to the missionary kids.  It is relatively easy to find a venue and cooks and speakers for a big event.  But the availability and capability of quality childcare is a challenge!  So I pray these willing servants will be blessed for their ministry and will impact the MK's with their lives not just their words and activities.
If you think of us, please pray for the conference held August 21-25.  We don't expect it to be a week of relaxing or rejuvenation; we will give our all in participation, conversation and spiritual work the entire time!  So we would covet prayer covering so we will give out of God's abundance, not our weak and scant resources.
"How good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity!"  Psalm 133:1

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