Monday 17 April 2017

The dishwasher is going through its cycles while the dryer hums in the background.  Our tummies are full of leftovers from the Easter meals we had this weekend.  I swept the floors and tidied up around the now quiet house.  The festivities are over but we have sweet memories of family time.
I feel a little sad as Mark and Amy stopped by before leaving for Gladstone, their car packed with their belongings and a new concrete job awaiting.
Daniel will leave later this afternoon for Saskatoon, two more weeks of his third year sheet metal apprenticeship courses left.
Caylea has a Bible school friend here for another couple of days, so the fun continues...
Walter and I saw our daughter on Thursday evening, her fatigue and her words telling us we need to make a change.  So I will stay home for this next week, maybe two, to take care of our girl.  She is half way through her Interferon treatments and her headaches are less severe.  Some other side effects have increased or appeared newly on the scene, such as fatigue and energy loss, some concentration issues and anxiety.  We were concerned and prayed for wisdom to do what is besst.
Setting any guilt aside, we are making some adjustments so that I can cook and care for Caylea, even just to keep her company and be here to keep home stable.  Emotional support is just as important as all the physical, medical and practical care on the healing journey.
As Walter waits for a text from the tire shop, having replaced some tires on the car for the season, I am packing his bag and some groceries for his short week in Prince Albert and Big River.  NCEM has their annual audit and Walter needs to be part of the process.  Our new treasurer will be trained by the previous financial officer this week, as well.  Also Walter is teaching a section of the missionary training module at Big River Bible Camp, instructing new candidates for First Nations ministry.  Walter's session will be on dependency issues and how to minister within the tension of poverty, addictions and codependency but bringing healthy relational skills to the communities with Christ's compassion.  He'll try to cover all that in 2-3 hours!
I will be home, keeping the family together and praying, praying, praying!
I look forward to some alone time and hopefully some Curves time, while seeing what Caylea will feel up to doing this week.
The dryer stopped-gotta finish the laundry and packing...
Happy Easter, everyone!  Have a blessed week.

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