Sunday 8 November 2015

"You are precious and honoured in my sight..." ~ Isaiah 43:4a (NIV)
This statement is a message from God Himself to the people of Israel.  Isaiah the prophet was inspired of the Holy Spirit to speak it to the original audience of Jews, a defeated nation who were suffering due to their own sins.  Much of the book of Isaiah is chastisements and explanations of God's judgment because of their rebellion against Him.
But this verse is in contrast to the harsh descriptions of consequences for sin.
As I've been meeting with a dear lady who is a mentor to me, I have been learning what it means to be a woman in ministry.  She readily shares her life lessons, daring to be transparent before me with her successes and her failures.  Her ministry along with her husband was during an era in evangelical Christian culture (in Saskatchewan, Canada) when women were wives, mothers and only beginning to be recognized in careers outside the home.
At one point in her journey, she was invited to speak at a women's gathering.  Circumstances surrounding her life and family were less than perfect, and she felt like a lost cause, hopeless.  She felt utterly unworthy to be standing in front of many respectable and dedicated Christian women.  How could she, when her own world seemed in such a mess?
Her teenage son came home and enthusiastically asked. "Mom, how's your message coming along?  Are you already for the ladies' meeting?"
With head down, she said, "Son, I'm not going."
"What?  Of course you're going.  Are you sick?  What's wrong?"
"I just can't!"  And this dear woman proceeded to give her reasons - and excuses - for disqualifying herself from this ministry opportunity.
Incredulously, the young man took his mother's hands, sat her down, and said,"Mom, look at me." She complied, hesitantly meeting his gaze.
"Mom, when God looks at you, who does He see?"
She stumbled over answers, ready to describe how God must see her mistakes and her shame.
But the wise young son, having grown up in this ministry home, boldly declared to his hurting mother, "No!  God looks at you and He sees Jesus!"
I know this must have been a monumental turning point in her life, because she has shared it several times with me in the last months that we've been getting together.  Needless to say, she cried, thanked her son and continued to prepare her talk for the women with a new vision.  God had called her to speak and she didn't have to be perfect in order to be used by Him!  But she had to be willing and humble and vulnerable to share honestly with others and not worry about presenting the polished, minister's wife facade.
I share this story to illustrate the verse from Isaiah.  Israel was not perfect.  Their history was fraught with disobedience, idol worship, moral failures and compromise of God's Word.  The cycle of sin, disaster, repentance and then restoration went on for hundreds of years before God finally allowed enemy armies to overtake His people.  But when He looked at Israel, He looked through the future coming of the Promised One, Jesus the Messiah.  He saw the blood of Christ, shed not only to cleanse but completely cancel the debt of sin.
You see, God's love and commitment to His children does not cease when we blow it.  He values us because we are precious to Him.  He honours us because of our relationship to Him, not because of our good deeds or our flawless performance.  We are created in His image and are made worthy through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for my mentor's example of humility.  She took the words of truth from her son's heart and was willing to change her heart and carry on.
Lord, teach me to be ever teachable.  Show me how to live in the truth that I am precious and honoured in Your sight, no matter how I feel about myself or how others may view me.  Your love and blessing is all that counts right now and into all eternity.
Thank You, Jesus, for giving your all for us, for me.

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