Saturday 7 June 2014

Friday nights...
Many people spend the weekends catching up on housework, yard work, cooking and cleaning. Weekends are for leisure time and sleeping in, right?
Oh, and when we were young, it was all about staying up late, hanging out with friends and letting loose after a week of school!
But I must say, this Friday night my son was hosting an LOTR marathon (Lord of the Rings for the uninformed like me!) at our house.  Starting at 6:30 pm, the marathon began and soon our family room was filled with many young adults all under 30.  My friend rescued me for a couple hours of shopping and Tim Horton's but I returned and thought I'd join the movie watching.
I made it through a half hour of the second movie and it was after 11 pm...way past my bedtime!
By midnight, I was searching for earplugs to block out the surround sound.
So much for my marathon!
And then up at 7:30 am on the Saturday morning.  When I could sleep in, I cannot!  Instead of relaxing, I was out for an early morning walk.  Then coffee on the new patio set while the rest of the young people were sleeping blissfully.
No, Friday nights are now a time for relaxing at home after a week of activity, not a time to get fired up!  And Saturdays are for catching up on work around home, not sleeping all day!
Don't get me started on Saturday nights!
How can these young people be up all Friday night and then do it all again Saturday night?
No, Saturdays are now time to prepare for Sunday morning worship service, be in p.j.'s early and get a good night's sleep!
Well, this is a Saturday night and I am okay with being middle-aged and free to go to bed early.  The cool thing is, all my friends are doing it, too!
See ya in church tomorrow morning!

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