Tuesday 8 January 2019

How can an event we look forward to for months be over in the blink of an eye?
     Christmas did begin on December 1 for us, with some early parties and events.  We had a week at home where Walter was laid up with a bad back, so I had him cornered to discuss Christmas gifts and then I went out and bought them all in virtually one shopping trip!  The rest we can thank Amazon Prime for excellent service!
     Then we had a funeral and some meetings in northern Saskatchewan, which brought us home just in time for quick preparations for hosting family on Christmas Day.  I conscripted help in the kitchen and Daniel proved to be handy at chopping, slicing, peeling and even rolling out Scuffle dough!  Caylea was busy in the garage with Walter, preparing scroll saw gifts for the exchange.  I must say, it was a simpler meal with less baking than normal, but everyone was full and satisfied!
     Christmas morning was very special as we gathered by the Christmas Tree and gas stove in our dining room.  Walter read the Christmas story in Luke Chapter 2.  Caylea even shared some special things she had learned about Jesus through reading Leviticus and Hebrews simultaneously.  Daniel led us in prayer.  We missed Mark and Amy that morning, but they were spending December 25 with the Teichrib Family this year.  (We enjoyed their company for New Years!) We opened our gifts with thanksgiving and focus on the Lord.  It was such a meaningful time.
     My mom and Clarence joined us for brunch around 11 am and opening of gifts.  We had quiche, apple kuchen, scuffles, fruit and coffee.  Yum!
     Then out came the game of Sequence.  My 98-year-old stepfather did not miss a beat as we six played several rounds of the card game.  It was really fun!
They left early afternoon, while it was still light outside.  They had turkey dinner plans at my aunt and uncle's farm and then still planned to drive another hour after that to their home in Kisbey, SK.
     The next round of family arrived but my turkey was finished early.  So we readied the table and cooked up the potatoes and vegetables for the big meal.  About 13 of us gathered in our dining room for a delicious meal.  I'm so thankful others brought items for the dinner and it wasn't too much work for us!  We ate our desserts and sipped coffee or tea before someone suggested we do our gift exchange game.  Dishes were quickly cleared away and leftovers stored, while the table was moved and chairs arranged in a semi-circle.  Good thing Walter had built our dining room addition as big as he did!
     After the exciting game of drawing numbers, stealing gifts and unwrapping unique and fun items. we cleaned up that mess and moved on to the next event.  CARDS!
     Hand and Foot is a Canasta game that was apparently invented in Saskatchewan.  We had enough players for a tournament - I can't remember who the winning team was but there was lots of laughter and complaining!  That's the main thing!
     The crowd went home about 10 pm.  Walter and I sat on the couch, sighing and feeling quite content. Boxing Day was just going to be watching movies, playing games and eating leftovers.  The main event was over.  God had been so good to us!

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