Tuesday 7 February 2017

This morning we left the house before 9 a.m.  and didn't get home until 4 p.m.
I know.  Our son leaves for work at 6:15 am and gets home at 4 pm - so what's the big deal?
We don't have the "usual" work hours; certainly not office hours.  So to leave the house early and get home later in the day is unusual for us!
We had our weekly staff breakfast at Nicky's Cafe and discussed whatever ministry business and concerns were relevant.  By 10:15 we all left to attend the funeral of one of our Healing Hearts members.  Janet Neergaard, a single mom and social worker, who was part of our church for many years, had heart problems and succumbed at the age of 56.  She was just a couple months older than Walter and he often joked about having to listen to her because she was his "elder" sister!  Her daughters had to plan the funeral service and they are only the age of our children.  It was a tough day in many ways.
Then we stopped by the ministry centre to check in on "the boys".  The wood shop is progressing.  Always tasks to be done.  The sewage/plumbing part of the project is still to be determined so the concrete work has been put off until absolutely nothing else can get done without it!  The guys were having lunch break so we chatted and took a quick look at their work.
We drove downtown then, to get our criminal record checks done for both of the mission organizations we are now working for...and yes, we passed!
We grabbed a quick lunch, then swung by the General Hospital to have coffee with our friend. It was a very encouraging visit and we are thankful for the friends who support us.
Once we got home, Walter started up the printer to get our next newsletter going.  It seems we just finished our Christmas mailing and now we have the update of our new ministry position to communicate to our family and friends.
Needless to say, I didn't have much time to make a gourmet dinner, so waffles and bacon were whipped up.  And then back at the newsletters...
Daniel was home but quietly reading.  Caylea was very tired - day after her Interferon shot- so was watching Netflix and then went up to her room early.
About half an hour ago, Walter declared, "I've hit the wall!"
Its been a long day.
There is tomorrow to carry on with the details of our transition.
Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindy, I'm not sure if you still monitor this blog or not, but I am Katie, I am an outreach support worker with the YWCA in Regina. I am working with one of Janet Neergaards daughters and she's really struggling with closure. Would you be able to contact me please so we could have a discussion?

    Thank you so much,
    Katie Boulanger
