Wednesday 24 February 2016

Just as I expected, the Lord gave us the grace for our circumstances.
We were able to spend about an hour at the Teichribs' farm, chatting, shedding tears and listening to their hearts.  Pat was putting finishing touches on a powerpoint of the pictures of Matthew's brief 14 years.  One of her sister's was cleaning up in the kitchen, then shooing the "girls" to get changed for the family supper and visitation/viewing at the funeral home in Gladstone.  We felt welcomed and very privileged to share those moments with their family.
Mark hugged us hard, barely holding back tears.  He was doing better, but fresh tears were always on the surface.  Watching Daniel hug his brother touched us.  The bittersweet meeting was both a comfort and a reminder that Matt was gone.
Amy was helping in the kitchen when we arrived.  Walter and I gave her tight embraces and told her we loved her.  She was okay, her emotions also fragile.  But when Daniel hugged her, she grabbed him, breaking into tears and realizing he was now her only little brother.  Wow!  What a moment!
The family supper was prepared and served by a neighbour couple and was a huge blessing to the out of town relatives who were arriving.  Darrel and Pat were greeting folks, always the gracious hosts.
Then we began to make our way to the funeral home.  It was packed with only relatives and Matt's closest friends.  The immediate family had viewed Matt's body in the afternoon, and they were glad to see him in a familiar red shirt, not quite himself but looking better than the traumatic last sight they had of him in the hospital.
So their Pastor shared a Scripture, Darrel shared some verses that had been meaningful this week, then it was open sharing time.  Grandpa Teichrib shared some hunting and wrestling stories.  But he emphasized how Matthew was growing into a strong Christian young man.  Then Grandma Healey shared the most recent Christmas visit and the "Nerf Gun" battles she had with Matt!  Through laughter and tears, she also shared about the vital faith in Matt's life.
We left the immediate family saying good-byes, and made our way to our hotel about 20 minutes down the Yellowhead highway.  (We ran into some snow flurries and thankfully Walter navigated expertly.  Glad it was only a few miles of blinding snow and then it cleared!)
Mark had warned us to come early, as they were expecting 500 at the funeral.  We came 1 1/2 hours early and found seats in the main sanctuary.  Guess-timations are about 600 were seated in total, filling the basement with closed circuit TV, plus chairs filling the large foyer.  I personally was so impressed with the turnout from our old Nipawin Bible Institute friends, and the current students and staff from the college.  Mark and Amy's friends had made efforts to drive 2-3 hours to show love and support.  And we were blessed to see two of our Healing Hearts staff from Regina come to support us and the Amy's family.
Again, God's grace was abundant as Darrel and Pat shared the eulogy.  It was funny and tragic.  Matt had been a mischievous character!  Matt's sisters all shared a few memories and how much they had prayed to have a little brother.  It was hard to see them mourn and miss the very answer to their prayers.  Our son Mark was also included.  He shared some cute stories about first meeting and winning over Matthew's approval in dating Amy.  We have been so impressed with the sensitivity Mark has shown, and the manly strength he is also displaying as a husband and son-in-law.
One last poignant moment was when those who wanted were given opportunity to help fill the grave.  In the cool but pleasant winter air, several mourners shoveled the dirt onto the plywood box where Matt's casket was nailed in. Both the finality of death, but the therapy of manually filling in the grave touched my heart.  As the crowd sang "Amazing Grace" and "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", I saw Darrel singing with face raised to heaven and tears flowing freely.  And I looked for Pat, who was surrounded by her mother and sisters, encircling her in love and prayer.  God's grace again...
"But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness...For when I am weak, then I am strong.' "  2 Corinthians 12:9 & 10

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