Sunday 26 October 2014

The room full of people finally grew quiet as the tall gentleman stood at the podium.  Almost apologetically, Scott called the folks to attention.  His evening's agenda was written on a small sheet of paper and he nervously waved it as he repeated the request for everyone to find a seat.
"Welcome to NAIM Staff Conference Canmore 2014!  Our hope is that everyone will find our theme has come true...Relax, Recharge, Renew..."
Scott continued on with announcements and instructions for the next few days.  I sat right at the front to help the songleader with the computer/projector.  Minutes before the meeting began, Scott was frantically locating an overhead projection screen and delegating others to find cords and connectors for the computer equipment.  The songleader wasn't back from supper yet, so none of us were sure what was needed for the first worship session.  And poor Scott kept looking at his wrist, commenting on the time and how many minutes past starting it was!
And here we were, only twenty minutes after 7 pm.  For most of us in First Nations ministry, any meeting that begins half an hour late is still early!  So I chuckled to myself as our M.C. panicked and the songleader was late and the equipment was finally being assembled.  This is reality for most of us in the mission field of North America Indigenous Ministry.
When Jim came up with his guitar, Scott whispered that we were behind schedule and maybe only needed a couple songs to begin our evening.  Jim adjusted and told me which songs to scroll to in his song list.  Again, most of us are used to being flexible, either adding or taking away from the things we have planned.
We sang two old hymns which celebrated our salvation and rejoiced in the Good News.  Then Tal, a pony-tailed First Nations missionary from Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, introduced our guest speaker.  They were personal friends and Tal warmly welcomed Mark Buchanan and his wife, Cheryl to our conference.
Mark grabbed the wireless microphone and began gently but passionately to share some of his story, and launch into the first message.  He was a fifty-ish man, professor at Ambrose University College in Calgary and author of several books.  His youthful jeans and dress shirt, casual yet smart looking shoes and shaven head belied his age.  I settled back in the second row beside Walter and took out pen and paper.  I didn't want to miss what Mark had to say.
"The Rest of God" was the title of his message and of a book he had authored a few years ago.  As he opened up the Ten Commandments, reminding us of the points of the other nine, he revealed the relationship of the Sabbath command to each of them.  These were not mere suggestions.  Today as believers in Jesus Christ, we are to continue to obey these, not only in the letter but the spirit of which God intended.  But somehow in Christian circles, we downplay the need to obey the Sabbath and yet figure we can carry on life and ministry without it.  Really?
Most everyone of us in that conference room could almost taste the delicious promise of rest.  But in our busy-ness, in our passion to reach the lost, share hope with the hurting, we have all pushed ourselves too far and become exhausted or even burned out!  Mark's words were very basic yet so timely.  I wrote furiously and vowed to buy the book after the session!
This weekly cycle of work and one day of rest was meant to keep us in balance.  As God established this routine, we need to value it as a healthy provision, a gift, to keep us energized and to remind us that God is in charge.  He doesn't need our 24/7 duties in order to keep the universe running.  If we rest as we ought, not just pursuing leisure that often leaves us exhausted, but God-centred activities that renew us, our hours of work will actually be more productive and enjoyable.
By the time Mark closed his first talk, and the snack table was being set up, we had been challenged and our appetites whetted for more truth!  I was already eager for the next morning's session.
Walter and I visited with friends and wandered by the goodies.  Then I found James, who was leading worship the next morning, to set up and practice the music.  It was after 11 pm by the time I was back in our hotel room.
Tomorrow would be a new day...

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Is that Walter's photo? it is awesome. A picture of God's Greatness
