Friday 18 April 2014

So many reasons why the followers of the Man from Nazareth were having a bad day on this particular Friday.
The week began with such celebration.
A parade, singing, palm branches as the King rode into Jerusalem.
The King of kings...
By Thursday, the religious leaders were in such an angry state, they devised a plan to get rid of Jesus. They found one of His own disciples to turn Him in; Judas received 30 pieces of silver for leading the soldiers and Jewish authorities to find Him.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was found in prayer.  His disciples were so overcome by the tension and fear that they couldn't stay awake to pray with their Lord.  When Jesus was being arrested, they tried to defend Him violently but Jesus stopped them.  Instead, He healed the ear that had been sliced off in the defense.  And He allowed Judas, His follower to become His betrayer.
The once joyful and confident band of men fled in fear and defeat.
It was a bad day for the disciples.  Their hero was arrested, tried, sentenced, flogged, spit upon and nailed to a criminal's cross.
By evening, Jesus was dead.
We know now why this Friday was good.
But today I want to remember the loss and recognize the cost.
Jesus died...for me.

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