Wednesday 27 December 2023

Was it morning or still night?  The blackness of the Atlantic sky greeted my eyes as I peeked through the curtains of the dormer bedroom window.  I felt around for my glasses on the end table and grabbed my Bible and journal.  Tiptoeing out of the bedroom, I tried not to disturb my sleeping husband as I turned the 100-year old doorknob.  It scraped as metal rubbed against metal and my stealth departure wasn't so stealth after all!  

Closing the door again, I stepped into the warm hall.  The heat from the woodstove was rising up the stairwell.  Then I slipped into the next bedroom, and settled onto the bed, stealing a few moments for my morning quiet time before we began our day with the Welch's.  I turned to the page where my bookmark saved the spot I was last reading in my Bible.  I read the next Psalm, which seemed so fitting as I set my thoughts on the Lord.  As I glanced out the window, dawn was breaking. Psalm 19:1 "The heavens proclaim the glory of God; the skies display His craftsmanship."

Soon the smell of coffee wafted upstairs and I could hear our hosts in the kitchen.  Walter and I quickly got dressed and went down for breakfast. After a leisurely bowl of oatmeal, we moved into the living room to watch the morning news.  We visited a while and then Gracie suggested we take a walk on the boardwalk.  We bundled up in our parkas and I'm glad we decided to bring our full winter gear!  That Atlantic wind is a different kind of cold.  We drove from the Welch's a few blocks over to the head of the trail.  The four of us walked along the boardwalk, enjoying the sunshine and stopping to read the displays.  There was fauna and flora unique to the region and it was interesting to learn about this area of Canada.  We followed the turns and again found the wind to pierce even our winter coats!  But it was nice to be outside in the fresh air and getting some exercise.  These trips involve a lot of sitting, eating and more sitting...Then we jumped into the warm protection of the truck cab and Phil drove us to the next tourist spot.

We drove past their church, one of the two that Westport boasts, and uphill towards the cemetery.  Then Phil turned left and we were heading along a narrow road with a couple of farms on it.  Hobby farms, actually.  Another mile and we swerved right again, clearly headed for the west shore of the island. Then past some trees, we could see a beautiful red and white lighthouse silhouetted against a pure blue sky.

Walter had brought the drone, of course, and fortunately the wind was not too strong this day.  We wandered around the rocky outcropping where this lighthouse was situated while Walter set up the drone to take some footage.  This was the Bay of Fundy side of the island and it was amazing to think just the day before we had crossed this body of water on a ferry!  

Gracie had lunch planned and I helped prepare the bacon-wrapped scallops as she set out the other items on the menu.  With both Walter and I allergic to fish, we had to specify that we could eat shellfish.  It was delicious!  

After lunch, we hauled in some firewood as some bad weather was due to blow in over the next couple of days.  Phil had a tractor and wagon, so we were just the loading crew!  Then we settled in by the cozy fire and visited and relaxed for the afternoon.

Supper was a roast chicken and all the fixings.  We did up the dishes in time for the 6 pm news. It was nice to visit and hear their many stories of our mission's history and their experiences raising four boys.  Their perspective was much appreciated as we also applied what they learned to our present-day situations.  Our time with the Welch's was rich and restful.

With a full day and full belllies, we slept well.  The next morning, we had to catch the ferry and head back the way we came, to Digby.  And our next stop would be Halifax!

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