Monday 2 January 2023

 Yesterday was the first day back to work, officially.  We received a couple texts and emails welcoming us back from our break!  I take that as a good thing, that our staff with NCEM have missed us and have prayed for us during this time off.  

Like preparing for a marathon, we have slowly begun our stretches and workouts and nutritional disciplines for the next leg of our journey.  A couple of weeks ago already, we were reading and reviewing emails and making connections so that our return to full time ministry routines wouldn't be a shock to our systems!  So today, as we formally re-enter our ministry responsibilities, I feel a bit nervous and anxious and excited as the starter pistol for the race is set to signal "GO!"

Remember that road trip game, where each person packs an item in their suitcase or trunk and then the next adds another item?  You have to recite each item in order and keep adding until the game is over.  That's how I feel when getting ready for our trips!  Besides the usual packing procedures, like food, clothing, toiletries and our laptops, the Lord is prompting me to include certain spiritual items in my suitcase.

On this road trip or marathon, I am packing in my suitcase...

FAITH -  The past few months I have been listening to a daily devotional on the book of Hebrews.  Over and over, I have heard the repeated theme of faith.  I cannot forget the basic truth that I need faith for every part of our journey, whether my personal walk with Jesus, my relationship to Walter and our children and to each one I meet.  I need to trust the Lord with all my heart, lean on Him and seek Him in every aspect of my life and my ministry.  I will start with FAITH as I pack my suitcase.  (Proverbs 3:5 & 6)  "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

VISION - Part of the time of rest during our break has been to process the past.  But at the same time, we have been praying about the future.  Where will this next leg of the marathon take us?  What will stay the same and what will be adjusted?  What direction is God taking us and the ministry?  Proverbs 29:18 is a Scripture Walter has used often in sharing about our role in leadership over the years.  It takes on more meaning as we continue our journey with NCEM.  "Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law."  I am packing VISION as we move forward, praying along with my husband that we personally will see and hear the vision of the Lord for the ministry, but also to join our hearts with our leadership team to seek God's will and plan.  As this verse in Proverbs emphasizes, the law or the Word is foundational to healthy and Spirit-led vision for leadership.  Continuing to work with the existing mission statement of NCEM "To establish strong, indigenous, multiplying churches" is our vision as God enables and empowers.

ENDURANCE - Yesterday, our pastor preached in the book of Revelation on what we can learn from the lives of the "Tribulation Saints" and the phrase "Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints."  (Revelation 13:10b & 14:12 a)  I personally have never run a marathon, but Walter recalls participating in a cross-country run in elementary/junior high school.  He was not the fastest runner, but his coach commended him for finishing the race!  The need for ENDURANCE is vital not just to be a participant, but to finish well.  I am packing this character quality and pray God will sustain us for the next leg of the race set before us!

LOVE - 1 Peter 4:8 says "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins."  Serving in the Kingdom of God is not about performance, results or any other works-based evaluation!  Paul wrote an entire chapter to the Corinthian church about the pre-eminence of love over all gifts and operations of ministry.  And Peter reiterates the absolute necessity for God's people to love one another because we all will blow it at one point or other.  But to be committed to one another in love because of Jesus Christ's love for us is our highest and greatest calling.  I will make sure my suitcase is stuffed full with LOVE, because I will be making mistakes, forgetting things and be weak and uncertain at times.  But serving with love will keep the relationships in good health and my heart in the right place.

WISDOM - Whenever people ask how they can pray for us, we immediately say "Pray for wisdom!"  This may not be a politically correct thing to say, but we (I) often feel in over my head in the current roles we have at NCEM!  We are faced with situations, questions and decisions that require wisdom beyond ourselves, things we have never dealt with before and must make judgment calls.  Between the books of Proverbs and James, I have often sought the Lord's leading on this topic of wisdom and moreso recently as our responsibilities have expanded.  I take to heart the verse in James 3:17 "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."  If I can apply these principles and measure any decision based on these criteria, then maybe the wisdom from God will shine through our ministry in this next season.  Yes, I better throw in lots of WISDOM, volumes and volumes!

Well, my suitcase is already full for the journey and I'm sure much more can be added!  Good thing we are driving a truck to Prince Albert (and beyond...) today with all that we need to take with us.  So as I review my physical packing list, I will summarize my spiritual list with this verse:

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love."         (1 Corinthians 16:13 & 14)

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