Tuesday 29 November 2022

 Why do we celebrate Christmas?

I can think of many reasons NOT to make a big deal of Christmas:

~Jesus actual birthday is more likely in spring, not on December 24 or 25 at all

~The real reason to celebrate - Jesus' birth - has become overshadowed by Santa, elves, naughty & nice lists and magical expectations

~The emphasis on gifts, presents, surprises and extravagance is more about consumerism than giving

~The pressure on people to have big meals, gatherings, parties and other festive events is stressful

My antidote to all the distractions and self-imposed pressures is to focus on the simple things.  For one thing, I focus on people.  If I am writing a bunch of Christmas cards, I buy my cards on Boxing Day the year ahead and make a list of who I want to send them to.  As for decorating the house, I don't go overboard, just tasteful favourite items and a pre-lit Christmas tree (no muss, no fuss!). I want to enjoy the people, not worry about every detail being perfect.

 Now that our family is expanding with daughter-in-laws, we pick names amongst each other and then buy a smaller item for a gift exchange game.  The gift-giving is still fun, but we want to make the day about spending time together, not about the financial strain of over-spending.

When it comes to Christmas parties, concerts and events, we are not in that phase of school and church programs anymore.  But we intentionally choose the events we will go to  and make them meaningful.  We also love to host our family, whoever can come, at our house.  I am not so intent on making multiple dishes and every favourite cookie recipe; simple menu and let others bring some items to contribute to the meal and snacks.  It sure makes the pressure lighter!

This year, I am taking the time to write daily (we'll see how that goes!) to share Advent thoughts with my Blog fans. I want to focus on Jesus' birth and how to encourage others to keep their eyes on the prize!  I hope you can find joy in keeping it simple:  Jesus and people!  

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