Thursday 11 June 2020

Have you heard the comment:  I am not doing much and yet the days are flying by!
True statement.
Although, as our province is opening up more businesses and services, I am finding myself busier.  We have gone up to Prince Albert more often this month.  Errands and shopping that I haven't been able to do we now are doing.  The days of slow pace and enjoying our home and alone time are now being filled with more social connections and meetings.
We did have a road trip to deliver COVID care kits to another mission organization.  I was excited to go and really enjoyed seeing other missionaries.  They were just as eager for fellowship and we were treated royally.  What beautiful country around Dryden, Ontario! The folks there live on a lake and offered to take us on a boat ride. One of their favourite spots is a creek that joins another lake to theirs, with a sweet waterfall along the way.  Pure delight!
Highlights?  Time on the road with my wonderful husband.  I had missed our trips with time to talk, listen to audio books, and rehash our experiences.  And I saw a bear!  From the safety of the truck on the TransCanada highway, I almost missed a black bear was foraging in a marshy, wooded spot below us.  Too late, I noticed it and pointed and shouted but Walter couldn't slow down or back up to see it.  Oh, well, my special blessing in nature from the Lord!
As we are home this week, we seem busy with emails and preparations for next week's meetings and Day of Prayer with NCEM once again.  Part of me feels in a holiday mode as the weather is warm and summer-like!  Tomorrow we will take a drive out to our cabin just for the day...
Thank you, Father, for the blessings of busy-ness as normal life is being restored.  But Lord, help me not forget the slower pace that brought the treasure of more time with you and the intimacy I have felt as I wait upon You. 

1 comment:

  1. Busy .busy you have been...sure is nice that you can get out and about..
