Monday 17 February 2020

You would think I'd have a handle on patience.  I've raised three children (all born within three years of each other, so there's that!).  I have also had to wait for things:  buses, airplanes, at doctor's offices and ER's...but I am NOT that patient when it comes to waiting for...medical test results!
Walter has been having odd symptoms for the past couple of months so he was able to get in to see his doctor on Friday.  But being a long weekend, he got the tests done but now the clinic is closed today, which is Family Day.  Sigh.  So our plans for the coming week are on hold until we hear if something has shown up in the bloodwork.
Do I pack our suitcases?
Do I prepare meal plans and gather supplies?
I have battled worry all day.  It's not about the immediate plans; it's about the implications of Walter's health concerns on him, life and future!  But if I were to be telling someone else in this situation how to handle it, I'd say "Take a deep breath and pray!  God knows.  And He can be trusted to take care of you and your family."  And that's exactly what my mom texted me when I was lamenting.  Good advice!
So we wait another day at home. In the meantime, our son, Daniel spent the evening at our place Sunday and came over again to do some car stuff.  Then he stuck around and helped us finish putting baseboards around where we had replaced flooring over Christmas.  A wonderful Family Day!
"This is the day that the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it!" (Scripture in Psalms and a chorus).  Maybe this day isn't turning out as I envisioned.  But the Lord has made this day and I can rejoice at His good plans and blessings!
Maybe tomorrow I will wake up and be that patient person I long to be!

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