Tuesday 2 January 2018

It is 9 pm and my husband is already in bed.  The cold that began to show itself on Christmas Eve became full-blown throughout the week.  Walter was unable to enjoy the spa in Moose Jaw while our family enjoyed a soak in the pool and supper out together.  On New Years' Day, I went to church and then drove to Weyburn to spend some time with my Mom, Grandma, sister and some extended family on the Rasmussen side.  Walter was just not up to any socializing or celebrating!
He was able to get into the walk-in clinic this morning and the doctor reluctantly prescribed some antibiotics.  (She recommended that he should wait until he was sick for 2 weeks but the pain was unbearable the past two nights with no relief). Hopefully these drugs will begin to take effect and Walter can return to the land of the living. 
As the festivities have ended, I feel a little sad.  It is always so much fun (and work!) to anticipate the meals and fun together.  When it is all over, I usually feel that let-down.  This year is more pronounced as my best friend has been suffering with this cold/sinus infection.  We usually have more activity and social engagements during the holidays.  Even the kids had their own plans so it was very quiet around our home.
This down-time has given me opportunities to meditate on the Lord.  I enjoy sitting in the rocking chair, with the stove warming the dining room and the Christmas tree lights creating a cozy atmosphere to think, read, pray and reflect.  I can't say that I learned or discovered anything new or profound.  But sometimes it is just nice to spend time communing and not necessarily need to have fireworks or deep spiritual revelations.  I played my guitar some today, praise songs. 
Before all the kids had dispersed last weekend, I had Mark help me bring in my dollhouse from the garage.  Since our adventures with NCEM started last March, we haven't had time to finish the little details like the shingles, stairs and final touches on decorating.  I ordered more furniture and a family to live in the house so they should arrive by the end of this week!  Amy and I arranged the pieces I did have and it looks adorable!  
Probably the one thing I have realized over these holidays is that I needed to rest.  I don't always like to admit it but I do run out of steam!  It took me a while to wind down after the rush of being in PA, attending a wedding, having just one day to prepare before Christmas...then I found it difficult to enjoy that quiet!  But I am learning, slowly, that the Lord knows our needs and often sets the seasons for us to rest even when we do not!  Illness is one way to slow us down; another is just the quietness of cold weather and being forced to stay in if cars don't start!
So as this new year begins, I find myself thankful and contemplative.
Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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