Thursday 8 June 2017

I am really struck by God's answers to our prayers recently.
Some of the requests we have been asking of the Lord are personal.  Our daughter has been invited to accompany a family to German (and a couple other stops in Europe) this August.  I was beginning to get anxious about this with all of Caylea's health and medical concerns.  But as Walter and I talked and prayed, we gave Caylea the advice that if the oncologist gave his okay and she was able to purchase travel/health insurance for the duration of the trip, then we could send her off with our blessing!  
I was pretty sure these would be roadblocks and she wouldn't be flying off to Europe; God answered differently and it looks like Caylea will have the incredible opportunity to see Gisela, our German missionary who served with us in Regina for almost ten years.  And as she'll be travelling with our good friends, the Roots, she will be well taken care of by caring and competent folks.
Some of the prayer concerns we have brought to the Lord are organizational.  We stepped into directorship of NCEM with many gaps in the leadership and a couple of department/property issues that were in the Board of director's hands. Over and over again, we have prayed, Lord, we don't know what to do!  Gradually, step by step, God has brought to mind the people who we saw potential for leadership positions and has confirmed in them His calling.  Just this past week, we interviewed and accepted into NCEM a couple to travel and do P.R. for the mission and also a woman to serve part time in the Tribal Trails department. Also, a vital connection we needed to make happened to be in the Prince Albert area this week and made time to come to the office and meet with us.  God's timing and direction was so obvious while our own efforts had been futile.
Another situation faced me in the last two weeks and I was allowing it to fester.  I was fearful and wanted to avoid certain situations because I felt tension.  But I took specific and intentional time to have God search my heart and take away the fearfulness.  I prayed for the circumstances and people involved.  And then one morning, I was able to have a conversation with someone and assumptions I had made about the situation were completely off track.  By the end of that interaction, I could see a breakthrough in the relationship and now I see how more prayer is needed for the family involved.  What our enemy is intending for destruction and division, I can see prayer being that powerful weapon to bring down the strongholds!
Psalm 138 took on new meaning for me today as I saw God's sovereignty in all kinds of circumstances!  Here in verses 7 and 8 are amazing truths:
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life; You stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand delivers me.
The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.
Do not forsake the work of Your hands."
Only God's almighty hand can stretch out against our enemy, the devil.  His right hand represents His full authority to deliver His children.  God's hand is clearly upon me, upon my brothers and sisters in Christ and upon the ministry organizations and churches to fulfill His purposes.  The hand of the Lord is mighty against His enemies and yet loving and comforting to His family.
Even though some needs are still out there, requiring more prayer and faith on our part, it is clear that God's hand is not finished.  He will not forsake us.  He will continue His work in us and in our loved ones and to reach those who are still lost...
"I will give thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart..."  ~Psalm 138:1a

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