Thursday, 13 February 2025

 "You work for Tribal Trails? We love the show!"

"So what does NCEM do?  What is your ministry about?"

"How many missionaries do you have?"

Our team of 7 fielded questions such as these from hundreds of people at Winnipeg MissionsFest 2025.  The booth was in the main auditorium of Church of the Rock and we had a great spot for maximum exposure to the guests.   Seniors who are familiar with our TV show were encouraging us to continue the good work.  We gave out many Tribal Trails t-shirts and other items to our fans!

Young people from the local Bible college (Millar College Winnipeg) also stopped by and it was great to chat about their studies and potential plans for the future.  We gave them pens and toques, practical items for college students.

Families with small children came by and we introduced them to NCEM and showed our Prayer Directory, where our missionaries are located across Canada.  We gave their kids a frisbee and rulers and gave the parents pamphlets or books.

We met people from various countries and ethnic backgrounds.  We also met other mission representatives and learned about their ministries and experiences on the mission field.  

A highlight for me was the music!   Local church or Bible college worship bands shared their gifts with us in leading excellent sessions of worship. There is nothing more inspiring than hundreds of believers lifting voices in praise of the Lord Most High!  I sang with all my heart but had to conserve my voice.  Just recovering from a cold and speaking to many people at the booth, I needed to hold back on the vocals.

 Our initial plan was to visit our granddaughter (and her parents!) on the way to Winnipeg before the weekend.  With the blizzard and my illness, we adjusted the plan.  So Sunday afternoon, we left our faithful representative team to pack up what remained of our PR materials and merchandise items.  There was not much to pack up as we had given out most of the t-shirts and many books and pamphlets.  We took down our NCEM/Tribal Trails banners and hugged our team good-bye.

With our heads buzzing and our hearts full, we were thankful for the many to whom we shared the vision of missions among Canada's Indigenous peoples. Only God knows how our conversations will impact others and the Kingdom of God.


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