What has God been teaching me lately?
Some major themes have been coming up consistently and I'd love to share them with you!
*Faith - the examples of Moses and David as God prepared them both for leadership roles through being shepherds; both of these men faced serious obstacles and opposition in their roles and yet they trusted God and put their faith in Him.
*Waiting - many verses in Psalms and Isaiah have really spoken to me; that waiting is not a waste of time but is actively serving while listening and watching for God's leading.
*Prayer - I've been blessed with some extended opportunities to pray and seek the Lord in between our trips and I've felt so enriched and encouraged during these times.
*Rebuilding - a Bible study I went through on Nehemiah gave me some good tools and insights on rebuilding, restoration and leadership. I was impacted by how Nehemiah faced the task and rallied the troops to accomplish the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. More than that, he also led (along with Ezra) in the restoration of the Jewish people and their faith after 70 years of exile.
*Salvation - I'm currently in a study of the book of Romans. The depth of our salvation in Jesus Christ is so wonderful! Our hope is in the Gospel and I was especially encouraged by chapter 8 - the first couple of verses declare how we are no longer under condemnation when we are in Christ! And the chapter ends with the truth that we can not be separated from God's love - NOTHING can ever separate us from His everlasting love.
*Revelation - our church is going through a DVD series on this amazing and sometimes confusing book of the Bible! The series unpacks the cultural context of each chapter/section and both Walter and I are learning so much. One take-away is that Jesus is coming soon, just as He promised. We all need to be ready for His appearing. And the urgency to share the Gospel is even more compelling as there are still so many who have not heard about Jesus or haven't taken the time to explore who He really is!
THANKS for reading my random thoughts. I hope this inspires you to study the Word of God and experience your own spiritual journey! There's really no end to what one can discover when we get into the Bible.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
II Timothy 3:16 and 17
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