Wednesday, 19 February 2025

 Day in the life of Cindy.

I woke up with no alarm, just the awareness that it was morning.  I squinted at the clock numbers projected on the ceiling above me and surprised myself: 8 am!  Walter was listening to  YouTube preacher with his earbuds next to me and I squawked out a "Good morning!"

Filling the old silver electric percolator coffee machine with cold water, I also measured out the spoons of ground coffee beans.  McDonald's is my bean of choice. Looking up, I noticed the blue, cloudless sky filled the top half of the window, while a huge hill of snow rose up the bottom half. Our bare tamarack tree stood in contrast to the whiteness of the snow.  The empty bird feeder swung gently in the almost still winter air. 

I plugged in the coffee perk and then walked around the counter to the dining room.  Clicking on the natural gas stove, I began to set up my space at the table for my morning devotions.  Usually I watch the sunrise as I wait for the coffee; this morning I had slept in and missed that special time of day, that holy moment.  I do enjoy mornings and today I was eager to see what God had for me.

My ritual for the last couple of years is to play a game or two of Blokus everyday, a game meant for four players but I play all the colours against myself.  (I also play Scrabble against myself - I'm always guaranteed to win this way!)  I listen to a couple of devotionals online while I place the various shaped plastic pieces onto the white grid, interlocking each piece precisely to use up as many or hopefully all the pieces.  My hope is that playing games will keep my aging mind from growing stale and dull.  Too early to tell if it is working! 

Another ritual is to bring Walter a cup of steaming coffee while he listens to sermons online.  He says I spoil him, but it's my way of serving him and stealing a kiss!  Then off I go to leave him to his quiet time and I settle in for mine.

This morning, I listened to Pastor Bill Desnomie, a Cree pastor from Balcarres/Peepeekisis First Nation.  He and his pastoral team share devotionals on the weekdays at 7 am on Facebook.  He is going through I John and today he shared on chapter 5 verses 4 & 5.  "...for everyone born of God overcomes the world.  This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world?  Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."  Why do we need to overcome the world?  Because the world is not the literal, physical earth or even the people and creatures that exist and call earth home.  In Scripture, the world is a system, a belief or philosophy that is against God, in rebellion to His authority.  The world works against God and the standard of the Bible.  And the only way to win against such a powerful and influential system as the world is by faith.  Faith in what?  Actually faith in who...Jesus, the Son of God.  Jesus lived in the world, but never gave in to the priorities or influence of the world.  He overcame the world by dying on the cross as a substitute for all those of us who deserved to die for our own sins.  He took our place.  His death paid for all our sins; but it is His resurrection that won the final victory!  He overcame death, and that is the very thing that causes fear and dread to those who live according to the world's values.  To die is to have no hope, no future and no plans for success if you only believe this world is all there is. But for the follower of Jesus, death is our gate to eternity with Him!

I had time for a second devotional while I sipped the delicious coffee and played my Blokus game.  I listened to the late Charles Stanley podcast of his message on "The Call."  His focus was on the call on all of us as Christian believers to be servants.  His Scripture reference was I Peter 4:10 "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."  So I considered how I can serve others today.  I sent out a couple of texts to encourage the people God brought to mind.  I shared a Bible verse or asked for a prayer request.  I reached out to make plans with someone later today. 

Then I took some time to pray.  Sometimes I sing some songs or hymns, or maybe I read a psalm aloud.  I try to focus on the Lord and put aside any distracting thoughts.  Then I have a few lists in a notebook with people and needs to pray for each day.  I include my family, our pastor and church, our government leaders and the various missionaries we support.  Then I refer to the NCEM prayer directory that lists 4 or 5 missionaries a day across Canada.  We also have a monthly prayer bulletin with a request for one of our missionaries or departments of NCEM and today was for Jane from New Brunswick.  Jane is a single missionary who lives in Belleisle and visits a First Nation a couple hours drive away to minister.  She has a generous and compassionate heart and loves on people with joy and enthusiasm!  Maybe Jane will read this blog and be blessed to know I prayed for her today!

Next, I checked the clock and saw I had time to do a Bible study series in Romans by Pastor Gary Hamrick on YouTube.  It was on Romans 13, submitting to government leaders. With the current political climate in the U.S. and Canada, plus global wars and manoevering, much prayer is needed for those in government!

I grabbed a quick shower and got ready to record a video for one of our supporting churches.  Walter and I set up his tablet in the dining room and recorded a 5-6 minute update on our ministry and family.  With a brief run-through of who would share what, we pressed record and in one take had our report finished! After 35+ years of public speaking, we've figured out a system that works for us.

Then I made us lunch while Walter edited the video and sent it to the church.  I tidied up the kitchen, threw in a load of laundry and made a phone call to the NCEM office.  Next, I had an email to send for our upcoming Candidate Orientation & Training.  We will expect 3 or 4 participants this year and Walter and I will do most of the teaching.  As I coordinate the details, I get excited about equipping the next crew of servants to work in the harvest field.  It's a highlight of our year - both rewarding and exhausting!

As I write, I am watching more of the Scotties curling event on TV and sipping Honeybush Mandarin tea.  I have tentative plans for supper with my sister and maybe a game of Scrabble with her, too.

I anticipate I'll be in bed by 11 pm and that's the thrilling moment-by-moment breakdown of a day in the life of a missionary!


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