Spring is in the air!
I know, just because the temperatures are above zero Celsius does not guarantee spring has arrived; it just feels that way. Puddles, streams and receding snow banks all add up to spring-like conditions and the very smell is exciting to our frozen nostrils!
The neighbours are out with picks and shovels, carving drainage trenches in the ice and snow. Walter was out there joining the trend, and amazing amounts of runoff have disappeared. I put on a lighter jacket and took my regular walk to the mailboxes down the street. Although I slipped a couple of times, I managed to stay upright as I navigated the watery ice-covered sidewalks. Opting for the roadway at times, I also avoided being splashed by oncoming cars. Winter may make us Canadians a hardy lot, but spring has its dangers, as well.
Standing on our front step, I soaked in the rays of sunshine, almost tasting the vitamin D and sensing my soul beginning to thaw. I hesitated to come inside, not wanting this sensation to end. Alas, we are working on our latest newsletter and I needed to help in the process. Walter sets up the printer for labels; I attach the labels to envelopes. I write the "Family Update" and "Praise & Prayer" portions of the publication; Walter writes the feature story, adds pictures and completes the general format. I proofread and do a final edit before press time. Together, we sign, fold and stuff the letters into the prepared envelopes. We add postage - which has gone up in the new year - and voila! I usually take the 230+ letters to be mailed by Canada Post.
The postal strike before Christmas delayed our major mailing. I sent Christmas cards to our financial and prayer support team. And now, we are finally getting to our New Year/Winter update. We can never express our thanks enough to those who have stood behind us in ministry, some for the entire 36 year journey! God bless those who pray and give sacrificially so we can serve by sharing the Gospel in the Indigenous communities across Canada.
I hear the printer running. My eyes are drawn to the windows, longing to be outside playing in the streams and urging the melting process. But I force myself to stay engaged in this necessary task and get my supplies arranged.
Have a great day!
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