Saturday, 23 July 2016

Another week has slipped by and the summer continues to fly!
The insurance details and plans to rebuild the burned woodshop for the ministry of "Healing Hands", the branch of Healing Hearts that seeks to equip young folks with some life skills, are progressing.
The "Evidence" students from Calvary Memorial Church of Racine, Wisconsin, finished 5 days of kids club in north-central Regina this past week.
We hosted Walter's sister Amy, husband Randy and their two sons, Andrew and Aydan, for a few days.  They became part of our appointments and Roughrider game party over the course of their visit.  Life didn't slow down because we had company!
Tomorrow is church and we will give a special plaque of appreciation to the Racine team for their faithfulness over the past 23 years.  This is likely their last missions seminar with us and we have been so blessed and greatly impacted by their part in Healing Hearts' beginning and growth.
What lies ahead?
Caylea has an appointment at the cancer clinic on Monday morning ~ the month  of August may become in sharper focus as we receive detailed information about Caylea's upcoming treatments.
Next weekend we will attend Kristina & Michael's wedding in southern Manitoba, then Walter will speak in their church on the Sunday.
As I still my mind and bring my thoughts captive tonight before sleep, I read a daily devotional that was based on Psalm 91.  It brings me great comfort as I anticipate another busy week...
"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
  will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

Oh, how I long for that rest!  I think of the heat of summer, the overwhelming reality of my life right now and I yearn for the sweet shade and cool breeze in our back yard.  I do find peace and rest as I enjoy that refreshing place physically; how much more is the satisfying rest in the shadow of the Almighty God, my Father!
Tonight I will lay it all down and let God take care of my burdens, my family and all that lies ahead.

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