Monday 22 July 2024

 The summer adventures continue!

Last weekend was the Findlater VW Show & Shine (in Findlater, SK).  We enjoyed our experience last July and thought we'd be repeat participants this year...until Walter went to start our red & white 1972 Super Beetle to show a friend how it worked and oil spewed forth!  That was a few weeks ago and so we had to take out the motor and find the problem before taking the Bug to a show.

On some of the hottest days of the summer, we were working on the car in the driveway.  I was assisting Walter and actually enjoyed learning about the motor and other things.  I operated the jack, handed Walter wrenches (he needed the 15 mm quite often!) and kept us hydrated in the heat!  We thought a rubber seal was the problem so after we replaced it and cleaned the oil and crud from the motor, we put it all back together and started it up.  Oil again!

So Walter ordered an oil cooler from California Imports (CIP) and a week later we were replacing that part.  Walter noticed the old one was swollen and misshapen, but had no idea how that could happen.  Once it was installed and the motor inserted once again, we started it up.  This time, fuel was dripping.  That was an easy fix - the fuel hose slipped off and Walter tightened the clamp.  Voila!  

Not trusting the Beetle to make the 45 minute drive outside Regina, we borrowed our friend's flatbed trailer.  On one of the hottest days of 2024, we pulled our little pride and joy to the show in Findlater.  As we pulled off the highway, we could see the sign pointing to the green space where others had already parked in neat rows.  Bob, the organizer, signaled to where Walter could park our car and thankfully it was in the shade.  I set up some lawn chairs and our cooler full of cold drinks.  While Walter attached the registration form to the windshield with our entry's details, I arranged some toy VW Beetles and vans on a small table.  Turns out, lots of people admired our little display, almost as much as the Super Beetle itself.

More cars, vans and dune buggies arrived along with some guests and we were busy for a while chatting with folks.  It was fun to hear other people's VW stories.  Everyone has an uncle, Grandpa or someone they know who had a VW of some description.  People were very impressed that Walter had done the rebuild himself and they loved the colour scheme of candy red and white.  I was glad I paid attention to Walter's explanations and steps of the project so I could actually engage in conversation!  When the initial rush of visitors waned, I made friends with Susan from Saskatoon, who was sitting in the shade next to us, while her husband was schmoozing.  They had a purple modified Model T on a Beetle frame on display with a for sale sign.  We chatted to pass the time between inquirers.  

Then Walter decided to sit and have a bottle of water, so I wandered around to take some pictures of the entries in the Show & Shine.  Several of the camper vans and cars were in the show last year and I said "Hi" to Georgie with her two small dogs on leashes. Her light brown 1958 Beetle with an "air conditioner" attached to her passenger door window, looked clean and shiny.  Georgie has an Australian accent and has owned a few Beetles over the years.  She was one of Bob's co-organizers of the show and I was impressed by her knowledge.

I stopped by the registration table and entered our ballots in the "Drivers' Choice" and "People's Choice" boxes.  I had a conversation with a 20-something young lady, Nicole, who was getting married the next Saturday!  Her father-in-law to be helped her rebuild a 1968 Beetle and she showed me the before pictures!  A week ago it was a rust-bucket; this day it was a beautiful blue with the chrome stripes and windows perfect.  I thought it was also running, but later found out they had also trailered it to the show. Still fun to see someone so young have an interest in VW's.  I voted for her entry!

I stuffed a few papers into the door prize box, as well, then checked out the food truck menu.  Yum!  Smoked brisket, pulled pork, smoked chicken or turkey wraps and sandwiches, dill pickle pasta salad and lots of ice cream options!  I strolled back to our car, admiring more of the cars and vans and even a bright yellow dune buggy from Coronation, AB.  The couple dressed in matching yellow t-shirts and black pants/skirt had driven out from Alberta that morning and planned to drive home after the show.  Some people love these shows and spend the whole summer traveling from one event to another.  

The food truck was calling to me, so I offered to buy our lunch.  Earlier I had talked with a dad and daughter who were seriously considering buying a Beetle.  They had continued checking out all the vehicles at the show and wandered back to ours while I was gone. When I brought back our delicious meal, Walter was exchanging information with them. Selling our first project car would be kind of sad but it could finance the next project Walter already has in pieces in the garage!  We'll see if the father/daughter follow up with the conversation.

The heat and humidity were quite oppressive and I was wilting by mid-afternoon. But soon Bob was informing everyone that we were to prepare for awards and presentations and then the big parade!  So I packed up our belongings in the car.  Everyone dismantled their umbrellas and displays and soon we were lining up to follow Bob and his light blue/white Beetle around the metropolis of Findlater.  A few engines roared to life...a few sputtered and stalled!  VW's are a humble vehicle to own and are often in need of tweaks.  But if you look up the car show on Facebook, you can see the slow but steady parade in live action!

We took our door prizes and walked over to load up our car on the trailer for the drive home.  We were hot, dry and tired but felt glad we could be part of this little group. I was happy to make a couple new friends and Walter made some connections for future projects. All in all a great day!


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