Sunday 7 July 2024

 Summer is a time for fun, outdoors, vacation, family, barbecues and travel!

Walter and I are taking the summer off for much-needed rest and rejuvenation after a season of our lives that has been very busy and intense.  We are grateful that the Lord has directed us to step back from responsibilities and leave things in His hands.  

Rest is not an easy space to be in.  Although we all complain about how busy we are, how we wish for time off to do whatever we want, sometimes the removal of tasks and structure can be strange and scary!  What DO I do with free time?  What do I really want to pursue now that I have the chance?

So far, Walter and I have been working on a deck project for my Mom who lives in small-town Saskatchewan.  She had a "postage stamp" front step on the north side of her mobile home and wanted to make more outdoor living space.  Finding no one available to build her dream deck, she ordered the materials anyways and hoped to find someone with the skills and time to build it.  With our summer break beginning in June, my husband offered our team effort for Mom's project.  

Walter and Mom discussed the design and with a few tweaks, we began.  Preparing the ground, laying out landscaping cloth, setting the concrete supports in place were the first steps.  Next, measuring and cutting, setting the 4 by 4's in the supports and attaching the pressure treated 2 by 6's soon gave the deck a form and structure.  It was amazing how quickly things took shape.  Neighbours began noticing the project and it seemed more vehicles were driving down Mom's street!

For a couple days each week in June, we tackled each phase of the construction.  Mom or myself would prepare meals and keep the water supply flowing.  I was Walter's right-hand "girl" for most of the project.  A cousin of mine came along after his seeding was finished and lent a hand.  With Ron's experience and physical strength, the deck progressed much faster. And his wife, Wendy, supplied fresh rhubarb muffins for coffee breaks!

A few changes to improve the design and practicality meant extra supplies were needed.  Thankfully the local Co-op and other hardware and building supply stores have been great.  I know that Walter has enjoyed the challenge of a new construction project and I've enjoyed being outdoors.  Mom is thrilled with seeing her vision come to life and has already purchased new deck furniture and has plants and flowers to arrange.

Have their been obstacles and setbacks?  Yup!  Rain, sore muscles, less than perfect wood, tools and human error.  But to be part of building something from random pieces of wood and screws and metal poles is very satisfying.  In a week or two,  we should be completely finished the deck with railing, two sets of stairs and a windbreak/curtain to block the prevailing winds.  

Here's a picture or two to show the progress...


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