Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Just as we were getting into the rhythm of treatments and managing the side effects, we hit a roadblock!
On Monday, Caylea's friend wanted to take her to her 11:30 am treatment.  So Walter and I were free to minister at a memorial service for stillborn twins.  We had just finished the brief service and I sent a text to Caylea to check in with her.  She called immediately with unexpected news.
First she waited over an hour in the waiting room as they were behind in chemotherapy.  Then her Interferon was not in from the pharmacy yet.  Finally, they called her in and the oncologist, Dr. Iqbal, met her to say she would not be getting treatment today.
The weekly bloodwork she has done showed dangerous levels in her liver enzymes.  So with the chance that the Interferon was causing issues with her liver, Dr. Iqbal wanted her to take the week off and they would check her bloodwork again the following Monday.
Although relieved to have this break and recover a bit, Caylea  felt disappointed with the delay.  I think we all felt frustrated to add on to the overall length of this journey!  And how would we spend this week as we've put many things on hold in order to get through these treatments?
Somehow, we've filled in the time with shopping, a picnic at Wascana Park, a visit from Grandma Dinah, and tomorrow Caylea has a cleaning job.  There are always things to do in our house or the garage so we are not bored!
In the meantime, Caylea's appetite is returning and we are trying to fill her up with good nutrition so she can be fortified for the next round of medication.
What ran through my mind on Monday when I heard of this delay was the chorus of an old hymn:
"Learning to lean, learning to lean,
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I'd ever dreamed-
I'm learning to lean on Jesus."
At each step and with each roadblock, we are all learning to trust the Lord more.  We really have no other choice!  So many details and time lines are out of our hands.  But they are certainly in His!

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