Wednesday, 21 September 2016

I am not sure what it is supposed to feel like, to be the mom walking into the cancer clinic with her 22 year old daughter for a first treatment.  I felt a mixture of fear and dread, uncertainty and unfamiliarity.  But as we drove over to the Allan Blair Cancer Clinic, I had this odd sense of peace.
I didn't feel my stomach churning or a shaky nervousness.  Just peace.
And then I remembered all the people praying for us - at this very moment - and felt tears prickling my eyes!  It should not surprise me that I felt calm and that Caylea was not overly anxious.
In fact, I reminisced with her that it was on a sunny, fall day like this that we brought her home from that very same hospital as a baby.  So she said, "Then why are you taking me back?"  We joked.  And we both figured Grandpa Ron would have made a comment like, "Just taking you for a tune-up!"
Most of the things I feared about treatment and side effects has not happened.  She did feel cold, hot, headache and nausea but within a few hours, was much better.  She could eat, drink, and be engaging with us.  And she slept the first night pretty well!  What more could I ask of the Lord, than to be merciful with the symptoms and side effects and to maximize the effectiveness of the medication.
So here we are on the morning of Day 3 and I pray the remainder of the month of 5-days-a-week Interferon will continue to be a journey of faith and trust and miracles and grace...
God is so faithful and He will carry us through!
Isaiah 26:3 ~ "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You."

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