Monday, 1 August 2016

I want to dedicate this blog to being thankful for ministry moments that are rich in blessing!
On Saturday, Walter and I had the privilege of attending the wedding of two young people.  The young lady spent a few weekends with us when Caylea brought her home during school breaks.  We got to hear some of her story and encourage her in the decisions she sought to make with her life and future.  As Walter and I witnessed the lovely bride make her vows to the handsome young farmer, we rejoiced at how God led them together and provided a Christian husband for this dear young woman. The ceremony, program and celebration was truly an honour to the Lord.
Today, we had another young couple share lunch with us.  Over two years ago, we spent several sessions in pre-marital counseling with this couple, listening and praying with them as their journeys had been a struggle.  Seeking to enter marriage with a healthy start, this couple persevered through opposition from without and within.  As we shared fellowship with them - and held their 2-month-old baby boy - we rejoiced in Gods healing and goodness to build their marriage and expand their family.
I am so thankful for the wisdom God gives as we try to walk with people through messy and complicated relationships.  When many walk away from marriage, or prefer not to make vows but live together common-law, I see many more choosing the way of one man/one woman fidelity and overcoming their past, the influence of the world and the attacks of the enemy on Christian marriage!
Thank You, Lord, for the encouragement these past few days in seeing fruit for our labours.
God is good ~ all the time!

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