Sunday 19 May 2024

 I wonder if we will see any bears on this trip...will the ice be still on the lake?  Will everyone show up for the training  - including the teachers and childcare workers?  Did I pack enough warm clothes?

As we drove further and further north in my beloved province of Saskatchewan, I mentally went over my checklist.  Suitcases.  Guitar.  Teaching handouts.  Toys. Rubber boots.  The truck cab and bed were jam-packed with all the supplies we would need for the next three weeks of Candidate Orientation & Training!  

This would be our fifth year of coordinating the training for our newest missionaries of Northern Canada Evangelical Mission.  Some years we have 5 or 6 new recruits.  One year we had 10+ of both full time missionaries and interns!  We spend the entire three weeks with the participants and provide some overall leadership and mentorship. It is both exhausting and rewarding.

Driving to Beauval, SK took us through Saskatoon, Shellbrook, Big River and Green Lake.  Have any of you been to these places?  It takes just over 7 hours but we spent a night at Big River to say HI to our daughter and break up the trip.  The further north we traveled, away from the wide open prairies, took us to bush and then forests.  Lakes, rivers, trees...lots of trees!  The north has a raw beauty that this prairie girl enjoys - at least for a time.  

We arrived at Pine Ridge Bible Camp, situated on the Cunnings Lake which is on crown land.  No other cabins or roads have access to this pristine lake and it is lovely.  As we drove the windy, sandy road that took us up the ridge, we saw the main house named Tamarack and then took a turn to see the quonset/workshop.  Another turn revealed Aspen and Birch, two houses used for staff and interns who work at the camp.  And then the piece de resistance, the new dining hall and chapel!  During COVID lockdowns, there was no camp programming and so the camp was able to begin the construction on a brand new dining hall, kitchen, offices and chapel in the walk-out basement.  It boasts a spectacular view of Cunnings Lake and some awesome sunsets!

We unloaded our very full truck, some items going to the chapel where our classes would be held, and some items to the basement of Birch, where we would stay for the next two weeks.  A few minutes behind us was the new German family who just arrived in Canada less than 14 days before the training.  They pulled up and their three kids ran along the sandy trails up and down the ridge.  They drove their van to their assigned cabin and moved their luggage and bedding in the rustic accommodations.

One single man drove onto the camp with his cousin in the passenger seat.  He is an MK (missionary kids) whose parents and grandparents have served with NCEM over the years.  His cousin, also an MK, was doing the childcare for all three weeks, and she needed to unload her craft supplies and toys in the basement of Aspen.  Excitement was building as everyone arrived and settled in.

The bell on the old dining hall - now a craft shack - rang several times to call everyone for supper.  That's when we saw the other family with three kids, aged 11 months to 6 years.  The children looked a bit shy and their parents were also more on the quiet, reserved side.  Three more participants were to arrive the next day.

Our co-leader, Corrie, was en route from Three Hills, AB, but decided not to drive in the dark.  Too much wildlife to worry about!  Corrie let us know she'd spend the night in Meadow Lake, about 1 1/2 hours from the camp.  She'd arrive in the morning, in time for our worship service at 10:30 am.

I love the remote feeling, the fresh air and smell of pines.  From the deck of the dining hall, Walter flew the drone from Tribal Trails to capture the glorious sunset as some of our new missionaries were canoeing on the lake. A peaceful and serene beginning to our training.

p.s. - we saw 3 bears on our way to Pine Ridge!

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