Saturday 9 December 2023

 Only our second morning and we were mostly adjusted to the Atlantic time zone - which is two hours different from Saskatchewan.  So we were up and at 'em in plenty of time to join the Fawcett family setting up for their Christmas event and fundraiser for Arrowhead Native Bible Centre.  Elizabeth and her 3 young daughters walked over from their home across the road.  They had baking and other sale items in their wagon and we helped bring the parcels and packages into the camp's dining hall/lodge.  Grant and other volunteers had set up long tables in three rows, ready for the dozen or so vendors who would sell their wares on Saturday.

One of the girls was selling some Avon at her table; the other girl had baked cookies to sell.  The youngest, who is three years old, was mostly there to play and taste test cookies when needed! Elizabeth and I were going to prepare the turkey for soup and "Christmas Poutine", both which sounded delicious!  So I got busy peeling, chopping and slicing, while Walter was deboning the cooked turkeys.  Soon, the aroma of the soup was making us hungry!

After a lunch break, the girls decorated some gingerbread cookies while a Veggie Tales video played in the background.  Then Walter entertained them with his drone antics outdoors.  Elizabeth and I did dishes and cleaned up while the soup continued to simmer.  

The next project was to decorate the tree and the dining room.  Walter and the oldest girl got creative in decorating the fresh evergreen tree chosen from a friend's Christmas tree farm.  Soon giggling could be heard and we peeked out from the kitchen to see what was so funny!  The decorating crew had strung tinsel and hung a huge red ornament on the nose of the stuffed deer head!  Rudolph was all set for Saturday!

In the meantime, Grant had gone to pick up his mother, who was lending a hand for the craft sale on the weekend.  When Grandma arrived, Walter was no longer the star of the show! Grant had picked up some food for supper (stuffed peppers and salad from Costco) and we were allowed to sample some of the cookies!  

The Fawcett family retired to their home and Walter and I went downstairs in the lodge to our little suite.  We were exhausted from being on our feet all day and interacting with little ones who were super fun!  It was a productive day but we needed to be ready for the next day's visit with Merrill Greene in Fredericton.


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