Saturday, 10 April 2021

 Some highlights in the past couple of months:

*one new missionary couple accepted to NCEM

*inquiries, interns and volunteers are signing up for service due to the promo video

*my mom, Charlotte, turned 75 in March, and my sister Paula, turned 50!

*My role as Personnel Coordinator expanded as our previous candidate coordinator has resigned from the ministry - so now I have the exciting privilege of processing and interviewing applicants to NCEM

*Walter and I are now attending Balgonie Baptist Church

*We have stepped down from leadership of Healing Hearts Ministries to focus on NCEM

*Walter's health is pretty good; tests eliminated heart issues and his changed diet has changed him from pre-diabetic to "normal"; his prostate cancer is being actively monitored and is slow-growing

I am amazed at how God is at work in us.  Our circumstances have been very challenging and full of huge changes.  My emotions have been all over the map but God is my Rock!  

My next writing project?  It is entitled "Why Worship?" and I am excited to write and express some very cool things I am learning about God.  Maybe that's why I have neglected this blog...but I also want to update people on our lives so THANK YOU for following.  

This weekend, I am participating in a Virtual Ladies Retreat, hosted by my daughter, Caylea, co-missionaries Cheryl & Joni.  It has been a blast!  It was my privilege to lead some worship but mostly to sit back and receive.  The little goodie bags, the workbook for the speaker, Grace Fox and the break-out discussion & prayer time has all been pure delight.  I am feeling full and blessed.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. It is always good to read your blogs and catch up on everything hope you have a happy rest of the year.
