Here's what's on my heart...
I'm feeling a sense of urgency these days. We are living through a world-wide pandemic. The United States are having an ugly transition between presidents. Racial tensions are intensifying, not healing. Restrictions are affecting worship gatherings and people are divided on their responses.
My response is "What should I be doing?" I'm not one to sit back while others are acting, engaging and making a difference. As I've been praying about the times we are living in, I feel like I have a two-pronged approach.
First, I need to prepare my heart for what we are living in and what is to come. I'm upping my Bible reading and prayer. I've been working on memorizing scriptures, not my strong point! And I am trying to listen to the voice of the Lord, obey what He's showing me and prompting me to do. If I think of someone, I send up a prayer for them and text or message them. I just want to draw closer to my Saviour and be sensitive to what He's wanting me to do.
Second, I feel I should study and share teaching on "Being Prepared", using Facebook Live. I see lots of folks on social media and I'm hoping some who need hope and direction will be impacted by the messages God is laying on my heart. I want to let people know how to be prepared for the times that are ahead...the end times. The first message was on being personally prepared for the return of Jesus Christ. So I'm praying that those who need it will listen and call on the Name of Jesus for salvation.
The next messages aren't clear yet but usually the Lord gives me some practical things. I want to help people know Jesus and live victoriously. We could see tough times ahead and having a strong foundation of faith will be what helps us make it through!
Psalm 46:1 is a verse that caught my attention this past week. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Every word in this short verse had special significance to me. I feel like this scripture will be something I hang on to in the coming days.
I believe the end times are upon us and the sense of urgency to let others know they need to make peace with God before His Son returns is rising in me! I need boldness and courage - which makes sense as the verse that I have for the New Year is Joshua 1:9 - "Be strong and courageous...."
Well, that's my heart. Lord, use me as You will.
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