Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Knowing Caylea was having a 5-day run of treatments, I settled into the mental place of the daily routine.  With her times all around the noon hour each day, I had an idea of my own schedule around that plan.  And we had decided that the trip to Alberta with several stops would be made by Walter alone.
Until Walter suggested that maybe I could accompany him if we found others to take Caylea to her treatments.
I spent considerable time making the mental adjustment:  my plan was snugly and firmly in place and I really didn't want to change it!  I even woke up last night and pondered the options and if no one could cover those 4 days, I would need to stay home.  I battled with what to do and felt frustrated that Walter would upset my apple cart!
By supper time this evening, we had people quite happy to step up and drive Caylea to and from her treatments.  God answered our prayers and made a way.  How could I argue with that?
So with bags packed and a departure time set for 8 am tomorrow morning, I have learned another crucial lesson:  surrender.  There is no point in resisting the Lord.  He has good things in store for me, even when change must happen.  I can trust Him with Caylea's care and others are willing to be involved in her cancer journey.
My prayer is that Walter and I will enjoy this trip, be a blessing everywhere we go and be able to rest in the faithfulness of our God.

p.s.  Our curling game was a blow-out!  Caylea and our niece, Cienna, went out to try a few practice slides and our opposition commented, "Oh, no!  They know how to slide!  We're in trouble!"  We proceeded to score 9 unanswered points in 4 ends...by the 6th end, Caylea was chilled and ready to stay in the lobby and warm up.  So the other team, after scoring 2 points, shook hands and called it a game!  A strong start to our curling season.  Caylea decided to name our team "Double or Nothing"!

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